Mad Man

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Sooooo Chapter 7!!!!! Yay! okay I hope you guys have been enjoying it and fangirling or fanboying, you guys know who you are! well enjoy!

Chapter 7

"Are we there yet!" I asked from the back seat, boredom in my voice.

"For the friggin' gazillioneth time! NO!" Dean growled, sounding like he was about ready to toss me out of the car. I sat up, crawling over into the front seat.

"Sorry, I'm just really bored." I said tying my hair into a ponytail.

"Its fine, just shut up, your annoying!" he said rolling his eyes.

"Alrighty!" I said nodding as I looked through my box filled with cassette tapes. "What do you want to listen to?" I asked.

"I don't know... you pick." He said shrugging his muscular shoulders.

"Um... Metallica?" I asked pulling out a cassette tape.

"Nah." He shook his head.

"I thought I was picking?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Just say the names and I'll jjust agree to disagree." He said with his adorable smirk.

"Um, okay. Then, how about... Bon Jovi?" I asked pulling out another cassette.

"Eh, Bon Jovi is okay on some occasions." He said making an iffy face.

"Some occasions my butt." I mumbled under my breathe.

"What was that?" He asked looking at me, instead of at the road.

"Nothing, now keep your eyes on the road...idiot." I said pushing his face to make him look at the road.

"Uh huh..." He said in a whisper. I grabbed another cassette tape that had 'Eye of the Tiger' written on it. I smirked as I slid the cassette tape in.

"BUM. BUM, BUM, BUM. BUM, BUM, BUM. BUM, BUM, BUUUUUUM." I sang along to it as loudly as I could. I saw in the corner of my eye that Dean was smiling. After singing the first verse, Dean decided to join in.

"IT'S THE EYE OF THE TIGER. ITS THE THRILL OF THE FIGHT. RISEN UP TO THE CHALLENGE OF OUR RIVAL. AND THE LAST KNOWN SURVIVOR STALKS HIS PREY IN THE NIGHT. AND HE'S WATCHIN THE EYE OF THE TIGER." We sang the chorus off key, but we didn't care, no one was listen, or watching. It was just the two of us, alone in the car. But we didn't care, we were happy. For the first time, in a long time. After a couple of hours of driving we stopped at a motel, Dean's car pulling up next to us. Dean went to the front desk and got our bedrooms. Dean walked out and only had one key in his hand.

"There's only one room, two beds though." He said spinning the key whoop around his finger.

"Are you kidding me?" Sammie whispered hanging her head. I tapped her on the head, making her flinch. Her head shot up, looking around, then glaring at me.

"Quit complaining." I said with a smirk across my face. She rolled her eyes and started walking with Sam following her like a little duckling. Dean opened the door, and we all settled in. Dean and I took one bed, and Sammie and Sam, the other. Dean and I sat on the couch watching Dr. Sexy M.D... Weird... I then felt a something hit my head, and spun my head around to see a rolled up paper ball fall to the ground.

"Sammie..." I groaned.

"Sorry, missed the trash can." She said with a cocky smirk. She tossed another one hitting me directly in the face.

"Oh, your asking for it." I said with a chuckle. I took the paper ball that she threw at me and threw it at her only to hit Sam on the head. He shot me an annoyed look, then took a piece of paper and threw it at me. I ducked and see Dean glaring at Sam.

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