I've Got You ~ Dean x Reader

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Dean Imagine:

(First person Point Of View)


I heard a soft knock on my door, so I quickly wiped my tear stained cheeks and walked over to open it, but before I could reach the door, I heard Dean speak, "(y/n)? Are you in there?" He asked through the door cracks.

I ran to my mirror, making sure there aren't any spots that are red from crying, hopefully he won't be able to notice.

I carefully opened the door, "Hey, so I think we might've found a case-" he cut himself off when he saw you, his facial features suddenly turning soft. "(Y/n), what's wrong?" Dean asked me, and I just shook my head, knowing that if I said anything I'd start crying again. "Are your sure?" I nodded again. "I'm okay." I tried saying as convincingly as possible.
"No you're not, talk to me." Dean said, pushing into my room.

Dean bent over to look me in the eyes, and all I could do was sink down to my knees and start tearing up again, and he sat next to me, engulfing me into a tight hug.
"I've got you, it's alright, everything will be fine." He cooed.
I turned to face him for a split second, then I proceeded to bury my face into his chest, slowly soaking his shirt with my tears, "I've got you."

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