Lightweight ~ Cas x Reader

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(Third person point of view)


After you, Sam, and Dean got your motel room after a hunt, the three of you went to the bar.

You usually didn't drink much, if you drank at all, because you're a lightweight, but today was especially difficult, so you caved in.

Sam ordered a beer and Dean got whisky. "And for you?" The bartender asked you. "Vodka, please" you said in a small, tired voice.
Both Sam and Dean shot you stares, "Are you sure about that, (y/n)?" Dean asked and you nodded, looking at a somewhat proud Dean and a worried Sam.

After four or five shots, Dean spoke up, "I think you've had enough, Little (y/n)" he said slowly, obviously tipsy. You rolled your eyes, "You know what, just because I'm below average height doesn't mean I'm 'little', you giants" you slurred.
Both Sam and Dean laughed at your inability to control the way you spoke. Dean raised an eyebrow at how drunk you are. "And by the way, my words aren't slurred, I'm just talking in cursive." You said, giggling.
They shook their heads at you.

As the bartender brought you another shot, Dean was about to take it away from you, but instead you gripped it tight and stared into his eyes as you downed it.

"We should take you home." Sam, the least drunk said. "No, Sammy, let's stay a little longer." You said, puppy eyeing the death out of him.

Dean sighed, "I'll take her home, and then I'll be right back."
Sam nodded as Dean started pulling you out of the bar.

"Deannnnieee!" You shouted, flailing your arms up as you stumbled to walk. Dean put an arm to help you walk.

"You know who's really gorgeous?" You asked Dean, who raised an eyebrow at what you were saying. "Who?" He asked, still slightly tipsy, but his drunkness was already wearing off, unlike yours. "He is. And he's eyes pierce right through me, and that puppy dawg tilt of his head thing he does makes me want to punch him in the face with my face" you said, giggling as you confessed who you love to your best friend. "This guy sounds great" Dean said, laughing at you.
You tried your best to stop him from walking so you could explain how great he is, but the vodka running through you decided your own movements. "He is great! And he's so adorable! He's sweet and nice and caring and he's protective and I love him." You said, leaning into Dean as you reached the motel door.
Dean opened the door and laid you down to bed, "Goodnight, (y/n)" he said, sighing deeply, before praying to Castiel, "Hey Cas, I was wondering if you'd be able to watch (y/n) because she's a little... drunk." Dean said with his hands clasped together.
The second after Dean finished praying, a feathery sound occurred and Dean pulled him over, "I really appreciate this, she'll probably just fall asleep, she's completely wasted." Dean whispered into Castiel's ears. Castiel nodded and made his way towards you while Dean gently closed the door behind him.

"Cas! Is that you" you yelled, giggling and standing up from your cheap bed you'd be sleeping in tonight.
"Hey (y/n)" he says, watching you stumble towards you.
"I'm so glad you're here!" You said, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Oh... umm" Castiel said awkwardly.
"Do you even know how much I love you." You slurred, trying to touch as much as him as you could. "You don't mean that, you're intoxicated." Cas said calmly to you. "But I dooooo" you sang, pulling him into you to dance without music.

Cas smiled, embracing you, but as soon as you tried to kiss him, he backed away.
"Why won't you kiss me" you cried out, tears beginning to well up in the corners of your eyes. "If you still want to kiss me in the morning, we can kiss all you'd like." Castiel explained, obviously not wanting to take advantage of his drunk crush, but you couldn't see that because you're drunk.
"Okay" you said, wiping the tears away with the sleeves of your shirt.

Cas laid you down in your bed, and then turned around to leave. "Cas?" You asked, getting his attention "Lay down with you" You demanded.
Cas obeyed, crawling into your bed.
You snuggled into him, wrapping your arms around him and using him chests as a pillow.


You woke up later then usual. The first thing you noticed was you sleeping basically on top of Cas.

"Good morning, (y/n)" Castiel said to you. "Good morning" You said back, holding onto your aching head.
Before you could even process how hung over you were, Castiel placed two fingers to forehead, immediately curing your pounding head. "Thank you, you're the best!" You told Cas, who only looked down sadly. Hmm, you thought

"Morning princess." Dean shouted to you as he ate his burger in the table area. "Do you remember anything?" Dean asked you. "I remember taking too many shots of a liquor that was too hard for the lightweight I am." I said, hearing Sam chuckle in the background.
"So you don't remember anything?" Cas asked you and you shook your head. Castiel furred his eyebrows together and looked upset.

Sam and Dean raised their eyes at each other.

"Hey, Cas, could I please talk to you?" You ask in a small voice. He nods and you two go outside the motel.
Although you don't notice, the second the door closes, Sam and Dean run over to the window to spy on your conversation.

"I just wanted to thank you for looking after me." You told him and he nodded. "If you wasn't there, I probably could've done something regrettable." You said, letting out a dull laugh. "You're welcome." The angel said, suddenly becoming shy.

Just as Castiel went to go back into the motel, you grabbed his hand. "Wait." You told him. "That's not actually why I wanted to talk to you, I mean, I appreciate everything, but I've been keeping a secret from you...." you said, shyly, with blood rushing to your cheeks.
Cas looked at you, tilting his head, confused. You took a deep breath, looked down, and mumbled something that not even an angel could understand.
Cas shot you a confused look. You bit your lip, and finally decided to speak up, but words wouldn't come out.
You turned to look into the motel window, but only found Sam and Dean watching you, they nodded you on, as if they knew what you were going to say.

With a sudden boast of confidence, you kissed Castiel. "I love you, I love you more then you'll ever know." You said, shocking him, but then a faint smile formed across his lips. "I know. You told me last night while you were intoxicated." Cas said, but then he suddenly got excited. "But I thought it was just the vodka talking, and that terrified me because I love you too." Cas said, connecting your lips once again.

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