Dance For Me ~ Sam x Reader

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Sam imagine

(First person Point Of View)



I paused the music to the stereo in my dance studio room to hear the sound of banging on the front door.
I opened it to see a tall man with a another man, a lot younger, but still older then me, trailing behind him.

Being only thirteen years old, I was hesitant to let them in. I was alone because I wanted extra practice after the normal studio hours, so the studio director left me alone.

Eventually, I walked over to the door, my pointe shoes clicking as I went, and let them in. "May I help you?" I asked sheepishly. "Dean, you want to take over this one?" The older man asked. The younger one nodded, "My name is Dean Winchester, and this is my father John, we're here to help you because you're in danger." Dean said. "I'm (Y/N)" I said. "We're going to ask you a few questions, okay?" I nodded. "Have you noticed anything strange? Like cold spots or a strange smell?" Dean asked you, and you nodded slowly.
"Would you be able to show me where?" He asked and I nodded again, walking towards the back room, mentioning for him to follow.

I showed him the boiler room, but it was locked. Dean kicked it open and I gasped, looking from Dean to John, but John only looked impressed though.

As soon as the door opened, smoke came out, and the two strange men started freaking out, "What the hell was that?" Dean screamed at his father, "Nothing good. Call Sam, we need backup." Was all the older man said.

Instantaneously, a younger man showed up, he couldn't have been more then a year or two older then me.
As chaos went on, Sam pulled me into an empty room, and tried to calm me down.
I started to tear up, but Sam grabbed my hand and told me that everything would be okay.

A bloody Dean and beaten up John opened the door to the small room that I sat in with Sam. "It's taken care of." Dean said.

They gave me a ride back to my house in a 67 Impala, but as soon as I found opened my front door, I found my family murdered, and a note saying that if I would be killed too if I stayed.

The Winchesters asked me if I'd like to stay with them, and after crying for a bit, I agreed. I packed my stuff and left for life on the road.

~~(years later)~~

Whenever I get stressed, I always go back to ballet, finding the nearest dance studio and abandoning my adopted family for the night to dance for hours and hours.
Usually nobody notices. I'd always share my motel room with Sammy, and Dean would share with John, but when John went missing and Sam went to college, it was just me and Dean.
I've always thought as Dean as a brother, a best friend, but I always felt something more with Sam, ever since that first night in my old dance studio.
Dean knows about my feelings for Sammy, and he always teases me for it, but I know that he'd always be supportive no matter what.

Once we got Sammy back, the three of us started working cases together, and one was back in Riverside, California, the town I used to live in.

During one of the nights, I snuck out and went to my old studio, grabbed my pointe shoes, and began to dance.
After an hour or two, I heard clapping. I whirled around to meet my eyes to Sam's sunflower ones.
"(Y/n), that was truly amazing." He said, taking my hand in his, like the first night you met. "You are truly amazing" Sammy told me, about to kiss on my cheek, but at the last second I turned my head, stood on the box of my shoes, and connected our lips. "I love you, Sammy, I always have." I told the tall man with the soft and familiar eyes. "I love you too." He confessed back to me.

We stayed like that for a while until he turned the music back on, "Dance for me." He said, watching as I began to turn and leap.

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