Wings ~ Reader x Castiel

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Lmao so lately I've really been Cas, but I will publish Sam and Dean stuff too😂😂
(First person point of view)

How you started hunting with the Winchesters:


I screamed, digging my knife into the last demons back. This was by far the most demons I've taken on by myself, there must've been at least a dozen.

I started to feel dizzy, slowly felt myself falling back, but before I hit the ground, two sturdy hands gripped onto me.
When I looked up, I saw the one and only Sam Winchester.
"Hey, Miss, are you alright?" He asked, but he was beginning to get blurry.

I woke up in a random bed. I tried to pull myself up, but felt physically restricted. Owe. I touched my stomach to find a deep wound, all stitched up now, there. The fuck?? How'd I get that??

"Hey, Dean, she's awake" Sam said, hitting into his older brother.
"Miss, do you know your name?" Dean asked me, I nodded. "Yeah, its (y/n)" I told them. "Nice to meet you, (y/n), I'm Sam, and this is my older brother, Dean." Sam told me. I laughed a little, but realized how much that hurt and grimaced. "I know... you guys are kind of hot stuff in the hunter world." I told them, making Dean grin and Sam look down, smiling.

"Anyways, we wanted to thank you for saving our asses." Sam told me. "The same goes for you guys." I told them, mentioning towards my wound.

"How's she doing?" An older man came in saying. "I'm okay, how are you?" I asked him, he laughed at my comment back. He kind of reminds me of my dad. "I'm fantastic, but the demons weren't playing operation on me." He said back to me. "Oh, um, Bobby, this is (y/n). (Y/n), Bobby." Dean greeted us to each other.
"Sam, why don't you check her wound again?" Bobby tells to the taller brother. He checks it, "You probably won't be able to move for a few days, possibly a few weeks." Sam tells me, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Hey, (y/n), we were thinking, you're a hell of a hunter, would you want to come hunting with us." Dean comes to tell me the next day. I smile at him, "Yeah, that'd be great" I tell him who nods along, leaving me alone again.


It wasn't for eighteen days that I could get up. So, instead of taking on the world one monster at a time, I stayed in bed and researched with the brothers, who started feeling like my own brothers.

I've been hunting with the Winchesters for three or four months now, and they're basically like a family to me now, along with Bobby, who's like my father.

One day when I'm reading in my room in the bunker, I hear an unfamiliar voice coming from the kitchen, talking to Sam and Dean.

I bust in to see who it is to find a puppy looking man with ocean eyes... and wings.
I can't get my eyes off them, they're black and look so soft. I can't believe how huge they are, they take up at width of the room, but Sam and Dean seem so used to it. I honestly don't think I could ever get used to something so gorgeous and mysterious.

"Cas! This is (y/n), I forgot that you two haven't met yet." Dean says, mentioning towards me. Cas and I exchange a small smile, and he goes back to talking with Sam and Dean.

Hmm. Maybe it's rude to talk about his wings... I mean, he probably would've said something about it by now, and Sam and Dean seem very normal about it. Maybe it's a touchy topic for Cas....

"(Y/n), we get that Cas is gorgeous, but could you stop staring at him?" Dean says, catching me off guard. I can hear Sam chuckle from the other side of the room and Cas's checks turn a light shade of pink.
Even though I don't want to admit it to myself, I can feel something stirring up in my chest for this tall stranger standing beside me.
"Does either of you want a beer?" Dean offers, catching me off guard again.
We both shake our heads, and as Dean leaves the room, he winks at me. I playfully roll my eyes and he turns around and laughs.

"So Cas, how are you?" I start off. He looks as if he thinks about it for a moment, that's sooooo fricking fracking cuteeeeee, "I'm good, how are you?" He asks back and I nod, "I'm good too." I tell him, looking at my feet so he doesn't see my blush.
"You're a hunter, I take it?" Cas asks and I nod, "Are you one too?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "I'm Castiel, an angel of the lord." Castiel tells me. "Oh! So that explains-" I cut myself off before I can say anything else, reminding myself that taking about his wings is probably a sensitive topic for him.
Cas tilts his head in confusion at me, kind of like a lost puppy. "Um, never mind, forgot I said anything." I tell him, making my voice sound as cheerful as possible.


A few weeks later, I finally realize that I think I might love him.
"Hey, Sam?" I say. I've become basically best friends with Sam because we have a lot of common interests in books and knowledge.
He pokes his head up to look at me. I bite my lip before saying anything. "So you know how I've kind of liked Castiel for a little while?" I ask him and he nods, "Well, I think it's possible that I could love him now..." I confess to Sam, who grins wildly. "I knewwww ittttt" Sam yells, a little too loudly. I sigh, instantly regretting telling him. "You know, (y/n), I'm pretty sure he likes you back." Sam tells me. "Really?" I say, happier then ever. Sam nods.
I bounce up from my chair and do a happy dance, and Sam laughs as he watches me.

As I'm dancing I accidentally bump into something, I freeze, turning on my heals to realize that I bumped into Castiel's left wing. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you like that." I tell to Castiel, earning confused looks for my non-blood brothers and a wide eyed expression fro Cas. "(Y/n), what are you talking about, you're at least a few feet away from Cas." Dean tells me, and I shake my head, "I bumped into his wings...." I say, confused. Can they... not see them?
"What wings?" Sam asks, light heartily. "You guys can't see them?" I ask and they both shake their head. "Cas, I thought you said that humans can't see your wings" Dean says to him, who looks more confused then ever. "They can't...." He says, locking eye contact onto me. Maybe this is why nobody else has mentioned it.

"Well, there is one possible answer as to why (y/n) can see my wings." Cas says. "Can I talk to you alone?" Castiel asks me, I nod, and we both get zapped into my room.

Cas slams his hands against the wall, cornering me in. He dips his face so that our lips are inches away from touching. "I can hear your heart racing, (y/n)" Cas tells me, bringing his lips closer to mine. "Maybe you should kiss me already." I suggest, suddenly getting a boast of confidence.

Castiel slams our faces together, connecting my lips to his.
He runs his hands through my hair as I wrap my arms around his neck.

Out of nowhere, he pulls me up into his body so that our chests are touching. I wrap my legs around his torso and he flips my onto my bed.
I roll over on my comfortable sheets and lock eye contact with his gorgeous watery eyes, then, almost in perfect sync, kiss him again, me straddling him while laying down.

Cas leans back up as our kiss slowly turns soft and slow.
"(Y/n), I have something important to tell you." Castiel starts. I nod, encouraging him on. I'm still straddling him, just sitting up this time. I lean my cheek into his chest and listen to his racing heartbeat as he talk to me.
"We're soulmates, which is why you can see my wings." He says, causing me to blush.
I disconnect myself from his check and look him in the eye, "That's good, because how else would I explain to you that I love you." I told him, pulling him into another kiss by his necktie.

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