Drunks ~ Castiel x Reader

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(Third person point of view)


You've never drunk liquor in your life, besides from occasional sips that Sam and Dean, who are basically your brothers now, would give you, but you never liked it, so you chose not to drink it, but today was different.

You decided to go to the bar with Sam and Dean. They both gave you uneasy looks, but nothing would change your mind... I mean, you're 25 and still haven't had a shot.
Castiel came with you guys too, and Sam was well aware of your feeling you had for him, and Dean knew about his feelings for you, but neither of them told you guys.

The four of you guys went to the closest bar to your motel.
You sat in the back of the Impala with Cas as Dean drove and Sam sat in the passenger seat.

As soon as you got to the bar, you started getting nervous, but you took a deep breath and ordered a shot of whisky. "(Y/n), are you sure? That's kind of a hard drink." Dean warned you, but you just nodded.
Cas ordered a few drinks too, a shot of whisky, vodka, beer, even wine, (I actually have no idea if they sell wine at bars, I've never been in a bar lol) it seemed to take a lot to get him even slightly drunk.

After four shots, you were done. Your speech was slowed and walking became progressively harder, but Sam, Dean, and Cas were fine.
The four of you went to a liquor store, buying two bottles of vodka and one of whisky.

You stumbled, almost falling to the ground, but Sam grabbed you before your body slammed against the floor. You giggled as he threw you over his shoulder.

Cas wined, having that he already finished a bottle of vodka by himself, "No! I wanna hold her!"
Sam, who was tipsy, handed you over to him. He carried you bridal style with a cute smile painted on his face.

As you proceeded to get more and more drunk, occasionally taking sips of the boys drinks, you became less and less tense under Castiel's, who was somehow drunk now, grip.

As soon as the four of you got into your motel room, you all sat down on the beds, and since you had no self control, you climbed onto Cas so that you were sitting on his lap, straddling him. His hands held onto underneath you as you brought him into a sloppy kiss.
At first, Castiel was shocked, but then he kissed you back, equally as sloppy.

You started inserting your tongue, and he did the same.
As soon as your makeout session started getting heated, Sam fake coughed and Dean told you to get a room while laughing.

Cas pulled out, smiling, right before zapping you two to the motel room next to the one Sam and Dean are in.
You pulled Cas into the bed by his fingertips and threw off his shirt.

He laid on top of you with his one hand besides your head, holding him up as he made out with you.
Hi hands explored what is underneath your shirt, and one of your hands was placed on his thigh, gently stroking it, and the other was on his cheek, encouraging him on.

He leaned up and had his arms wrapped around the small of your back right before he lifted up your shirt, exposing your black and white plaid bra.
Castiel kissed his way from your lips to your neck, roughly sucking for a moment, then they made their way to your stomach and just as he was about to pull off your pants, Sam and Dean came in.

"Guys, stop" Sam yelled, proving that the alcohol wore off for him. "Don't do something regrettable just because you're drunk" Dean told you, pulling Cas away.

You drowned, but then looked to Sam who just shrugged, and then to Dean who gave you a serious look and warning look, and then to Cas, who winked at you. "Later" he mouthed, and you nodded, biting your lip.

AN- Hey guys, I'm sorry that this one was kind of bad :/

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