Chapter 8- the escape

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Ziva's POV

I walk back to the bullpen and the agents that helped me earlier came up to me and asked if there was anything they could do. I just said to not tell Gibbs what happened. I heard footsteps and ran. I got in my car and drove straight to the hospital. I asked for Anne who had tended for me every hospital visit. Z: "Hi can i please see Anne?"

A: "Ziva whats wrong?" i started cruing and then answered

Z: "Anne i was at work and Ray came in and he hit me with a gun and also punched me and my stitches stretched"

A: "Oh Ziv. Lets get you fixed up so you can go back to work :)"

McGee's POV

I walked back to the bullpen and saw blood on the floor. I ran to Jen's office and told her and Gibbs to get downstairs as quickly as possible. We ran as fast as we could. We called Tony and Abs to make sure they were ok but then when we rang Ziva her phone was turned off.

Abby's POV

Omg! Theres blood in the bullpen and the only person missing is Ziva. What happens if somethings wrong and we can't find her. i fall against the wall and sob. I get Bert but he doesn't seem to work. Timmy and Gibbs walk in and the wrap one arm around me each. That was it i had hit breaking point. i couldn't stop sobbing.

A/N shit whats gunna happen to Ziva?

Is she finally gunna admit to the team what's really going on?

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