Chapter 4- The kiss

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Ziva's POV

T: "Zi"

Z: " Yeah Tony?"

T: "What are we going to do about this situation?"

Z: "Tony I..." My sentence was cut off by Tony's lips crashing onto mine. Our bodies were tensed for separate reasons. Mine being that I was definitely not expecting what had just happened and Tony's I could sense the fact of being rejected. Once my body relaxed my lips started moving. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I had never had a better kiss. Tony's tongue slid across my bottom lip practically begging for an entrance. I finally gave in and slightly opened my mouth and his tongue was so impatient I giggled through the kiss. We pulled away for air and I don't think either of us have smiled as much. I then realised what I had just done and I called Gibbs told him that we sorted it out got to Ducky pushed Tony out of the elevator and pushed the button to go back up to the bullpen but I stopped the elevator sat in the corner and just cried.

Half an hour went by and I finally got a grip of myself and gave myself a Gibbs head slap for crying. I went up to the bullpen and ignored the whole team who was staring at me. I looked at Gibbs, McGee and Tony and just broke again but this time I ran.

Tony's POV

She cried my Ziva cried and ran. I called out to her Gibbs and I went to run after her when Jen spoke up. J: "Jethro, Tony leave her be she just needs her space. She'll talk to us when she's ready"

T: "Fine"

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