Chapter 5- the unexpected guest

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Ziva's POV

I ran for what seemed to be like hours. I stopped got a quick coffee and ran home. I got home and my door was unlocked but i couldn't understand why. I immediately pulled my gun out and walked into my apartment and the one person i didn't want to see was sitting on my couch

Z: "What are you doing here Ray?"

CIR: "Well princess i came to get you back"

Z: "No!"

CIR: "Yes because if you don't you know what the consequences will be." SLAP! Ray slaps Ziva across the face. He then punches her in the stomach and leaves.

The next morning walking to go to Jen's office

Jen's POV

Jethro and I walk into work and as usual we walk past the interrogation rooms thinking we were alone but we were wrong. Usually the doors are unlocked ready for us except for one. Gibbs gives me a look and we quietly unlock the door to the interrogation room with my key to see Ziva just sitting against the wall sobbing

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