Chapter 3- The elevator

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Tony's POV

I can see that Jenny and Gibbs staring at Ziva and occasionally glimps at me. Jenny and Gibbs start whispering. G: "Dinozzo, Ziva Ducky has some information for the two of you that he needs to speak to you about urgently. Get to the elevator. NOW!" Gibbs yelled in his polite but serious tone

T+Z: "On it boss" Tony and Ziva said in unison. Once we were in the elevator we stood in a long but really awkward silence. The funny thing about the whole elevator ride was one minute we're heading down to talk to Ducky and then the elevator just stops. When I mean stops I mean that it completely shuts itself off. Ziva and I try to turn the emergency stop switch to turn the elevator back on but instead of turning back on the lights flickered but that was it. We called Gibbs on Ziva's phone but we put it on speaker. Abbs and McGeek had gone to Abby's lab just before we left to see Ducky and so Gibbs had his phone on speaker so Jenny was listening into the conversation. G: "Gibbs"

T: "Yeah Boss, Ziva and I are kinda stuck in the elevator" Tony said with a bit of fear in his voice

(A/N The rest of the time I won't put how they are saying what they're saying so then you can imangine in your own mind how eacher character would be reacting to each conversation)

Z: "Gibbs please help us"

G: "NO!"

T+Z: " NO!?"

G: "Yeah you heard me correctly"

Z: "But why Gibbs?" Jenny now comes into the conversation taking over from Gibbs but Gibbs has his moments where he butts in but that's Gibbs being Gibbs

J: "Tony, Ziva the reason why we have locked you in the elevator is because of the way that you two look at each other"

Z: "What do you mean Jen?"

J: "Jethro and I notice things. The way that you two look at each other is the exact same way we looked at each other when we first fell in love"

T: "Oh shit!"

G: "Dinozzo language"

T: "Sorry boss"

G: "Ziva will you please head slap Dinozzo for me for saying sorry?"

Z: "Sure it would be my pleasure" "Gibbs, Jen what about rule 12?"

G: "Ziva when i met Jen and fell in love with her then Abbs and McLoverboy rule 12 went out the window" Jen and Gibbs start blushing again and Tony and Ziva can sense it through the phone

T+Z: "Awwww they're blushing"

J: "Sort your shit out otherwise you will not be getting out of the elevator anytime soon."

T: "Fine" After hanging up from Gibbs and Jen we just stand there not speaking just in a comfortable silence thinking on what our next move is going to be. A couple of minutes later T: "Zi"

Z: "Yeah Tony?"

T: "Zi what are we going to do about this situation?"

Z: "Tony I..."

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