Chap. 10

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*Judy's POV*

I stared at him.! I thought that I accidentally killed him! He's not alive! I saw him die right before my eyes!

"Do remember me?" I nod guiltily. " left me all alone. You left me to die! And now look! Look at what you did to me!" He cries out. He steps closer to the pale light. I can see him. I can see the horrible burn marks on his face. I can see the huge scars all over his body. I can see that a chunk of one of his long ears was gone. He rips the gag off my face.

I wince at the pain. "I-I'm sorry! W-we thought you were dead! If we had known, w-we would have certainly saved you!" I stuttered.

"Yes. But you didn't!" I can see him fully. I remember the fire on the only mission I thought that I had truly failed...


"No! Judy! Don't go! We can't save him!" Nick screamed.

"But Nick! He might be alive!" I shouted, trying to get out of his strong grip.

"It's too late." Nick said sadly. I could only watch as the flames ate up the building and probably suffocated the only animal I had ever liked, besides Nick. I fell down to the ground. On my knees.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't save you." Tears trickled down my face. Nick tried to remain emotionless, but he couldn't stop the tears from dripping. I hated the fact that I couldn't have done anything. I liked him. More than just friends. He had finally confessed to me and then had gone into the building that was on fire, bravely saving the tiny little preschoolers that were stuck inside. But, he thought that there were more. But there weren't. He was lost in the fire. By the time the firemen arrived and put out the water, the body was gone. We assumed it had been turned into ash and had been swept away in the wind.

"You were brave and strong Officer Edward Rabbitson. We will never forget you." Nick said solemnly. I cried even more. His name reminded me of who he was. 

He was a rabbit. I am a bunny. We would have had no problem in becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. We could have had a life together. It would have been easier for me to be with him than Nick.

I lost him that day. And I sometimes still cry, missing the company he kept. He would forever bring me chocolates and roses. Unlike Beav, he knew when to shut up. He loved me, and I loved him. But now, he was gone.


" are you still alive?" I asked him.  

"Well, after you left me there to burn, I figured out a way to get out of the building. I tore my ear in the process." He points to the chipped ear.

"But then why didn't you come straight back?"

"It took months for me to heal. But the scars still remained."

"I'm so sorry Ed! You know that I-" I was cut off with a slap on my cheek.

"Don't call me that!" He yelled at me. I whimpered unable to believe that this is the same Edward that I remembered.

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