Chap. 5

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~My favorite photo!~

*Nick's P.O.V.*

My heart beats wildly as I scurry away from our shared office. I can't believe I kissed her! Even though it was only on the cheek, it sent tingles down my spine. God, I really wish I could admit my feelings for her. I realize that I've been standing, looking blankly at a white wall. I shake these thoughts away, and run over to Chief Bogo's office, not wanting him to get mad at me. That guy sure has a temper! I knock on the door.

"Come in." Calls Bogo.

"Chief? You wanted to talk to me about something?" I say, taking a seat in one of his antique chairs.

"Yes. I wanted you to take these files and scour through them with Ms. Hopps."

"Okay, Chief. Is there any other reason for me being here?"

"In fact, there is another reason why I called you here Nick." I raise one eyebrow. Usually, he calls me Mr. Wilde or 'Immature Red'.

"What is it Chief?"

"I want Ms. Hopps and you to go on an all-night stakeout. We're hoping to find the kidnappers of the mayor's granddaughter." Chief Bogo says, rifling through some files.

"Great, thanks, Chief. I'll be leaving now." I get up and start walking towards the chocolate-brown door.

"Oh and Nick?" I turn around, "I trust that you are taking care of Judy?" I nod and leave.


*Judy's P.O.V.*

My heart is racing. Nick kissed me on the cheek! Imagine kissing him on the lips! I sigh and flop down on my soft, black and white chair.
Just then my bestie, Katrina Colorbird flies in. She's an extremely colorful parrot that understands me perfectly. Katrina is also our best interrogator. Katrina notices my expression and smirks. "A guy made a move and you liked it," I blush and look at my recently blue, nail-painted feet. Honestly, this parrot knows me too well.

"So who was it? And don't say 'no-one'."

"Nick." She smiles wickedly.

"He's totally whipped." I jerk up at her bluntness.

"What?! No!" I answer hastily."Nick and I are just really good friends!"

"Friends, my feathers. He's so overwhelmed by you! I can see it in his eyes!" Katrina chirps.

"Yeah whatever. I need to finish up on these files okay? I talk to you during break." She bids me goodbye and leaves. For a moment I sit there, pondering over what she said. Nick surely wasn't whipped for me. Right?

*A/N Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while!!!😒I promise to update at least by Wednesday. And thank you guys soo much for over 700+ views!!!😄It means the world to me! Please comment and perhaps hit the vote button. See ya😉!*

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