Chap. 2

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*Nick's P.O.V.*

After discussing with Mr. Big and Fru-Fru for a while, Judy and I set off to check out our 'new home'. I drove to the address of the house; AnimaSt. The house was beautiful, not too big, not too small. It was white with simple patterns on the sides. The house had two floors. the 1st floor had a bathroom, a huge kitchen(with a lot of food! Yay!), a small dining room, a guestroom, and a living room. The top floor also had a bathroom and guestroom. It had two bedrooms and a small room which was filled with games, both electronic and board. The house was truly magnificent. Judy and I started to unpack. There wasn't that much to unpack for the both of us, as we cops don't need much. Most of our supplies are at the ZPD.

I headed downstairs, feeling hungry. "Oh hey Nick," I saw that Judy was already there, munching on a bowl filled with baby carrots. "Come on Judy! Eat something else other than carrots!" I groan. I swear everytime I see this bunny eating, it's either ice cream or carrots!
"Fine,"she grumbles, putting the the bowl in the refrigerator,"what do you want to eat?"

"Let's order sushi. I haven't had sushi for a while now."

She considers before answering. "Fine. But I'm ordering the California Roll. You know that I'm vegetarian."

"Yes, I know Miss-I-Am-Vegetarian."

"My last name's Hopps, not whatever you said. And just for that, you have to eat vegetarian today too." I chuckle.

"Okay, whatever you say Carrots." I order two California Rolls. She smiles. God I wish I could tell her that I like her more than friends. I sit on the dining seats, watching Judy. She walks around the area, constantly checking her phone. "Judy? What's wrong? You seem anxious about something." I ask her.

She jerks her head up and stutters,"W-what? N-no! Nothing's w-wrong!"

"Ok..." I reply. I don't know why she's acting like this. I squirm in my seat thinking about different possibilities.

"Nick! Dinner's here!" Judy calls out.

"Coming." We eat the sushi, which is delicious, and talk about many things, like the new house and work. Soon, it gets dark and we decide to call it a night. We head into our rooms. I strip off my clothing, leaving me in my boxers. I get into the bed and I start to doze off when I hear a sudden noise next to me.


"N-nick? C-can I sleep next t-to y-you?" She whispers.

"Of course." I say,"C'mere." I move to the other side of the bed, giving her space.

"T-thank you." She says gratefully. Judy crawls into my arms and snuggles into my bare chest.

"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare or something like that?" I whisper in her large, soft ears.

"Y-yes... It was about y-you."

"Oh. Can you explain to me what happened?"

"You were d-dangling off a cliff and I-I couldn't save you. I tried to to run to you, but something was restraining me," Her words sent a shiver down my spine. "When I finally broke free, y-you lost your grip and...and..." Judy burst into tears.

"Shh. I'm here. I'm alive." I cooed.

"I was so a-alone."

"You will never be alone as long as I live." I pull her closer.

"T-thank you Nick." She says.

"So, are these recurring nightmares?" I ask.

"Yes." Oh! So that's why she was so jumpy around me today!

"It's okay. We'll be alright." I hold her tight. I feel...fur? I pull her away and realize that she's just in her underwear. I blush slightly.
"What's wrong Nick? Like what you see?" Although it's dark, I can practically feel her smirk.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I say still red (Well, technically I'm already red, since I'm a red fox). "Now let's go to sleep." But she's already fallen asleep in my arms.

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