Chap. 9

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*Judy's P.O.V*

I wake to the sound of sniffing. My entire body hurts. With a groan, I pull my head up from the cold, hard floor. I look at my surroundings. I'm in a type of cell with many others, all chained up. I hear Maya softly crying and I try to go over and comfort her, only to realize that I'm also chained and gagged. I remember reaching out to Ellen and being knocked out. I instantly think of Nick. He will save me. Katrina is right next to me, her feathers all dirty and disheveled. With great difficulty, I manage to rip the gag off.

"Katrina?" She groans, "Katrina?! Are you okay?"

"Mostly. My wing hurts though." Her right wing is twisted in a weird position.

"Guys? Are you all okay?" Muffled sounds of 'yes' and 'no's greet my question. I scan the room. Ellen's leg was bandaged. I see many females. A bunch of different species. I turn to my left and see Judy II!

"Judy!" She sniffs and tries to snuggle into me, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, auntie Judy." My heart wrenches at the sound of her weak and terrified voice. She was always lively, bursting with excitement. Now she looks so broken.

"Judy, who took you?" I ask.

"Some mean polar bears. They looked a lot like my grandpa's guards. But they weren't very nice. They tossed me in here and only fed me bread. Without cheese!" Despite the state of our situation. Kat lets out a chuckle. It feels good to hear laughter. Judy loves cheese! The laughter is contagious so everyone starts to laugh. But the laugh cuts short when the open with a bang. Two tall shadows bring in more animals. It's Sophie and Delanie Tortois, twin sisters and close friends of mine.

"Got more company for ya!" The tall bear says gruffly. He tosses them in and chains them up. The shorter one smirks.

"Why did you kidnap us?" Shouts Maya.

"The boss will tell you everything." They say and exit.

"Sophie! Delanie! What happened? Why are you in with us?" Ellen asks.

"I don't know. We were heading back from our shop. I locked it and turned around, then bam! A sack over my head." Sophie explains.

"I saw two animals grab her so I decided to run and call the police. But one of them spotted me fleeing and chased after me. He caught me and also put a sack over my head. They took us in to a car. It was a long ride." Delanie says and makes herself into a more comfortable position.

"Wait, what's the date and time?" Katrina asks.

"It's approximately 10 o'clock in the morning, the 20th of September."

"Wait...I've been knocked out for that long?" I ask.



"I'm hungry." Katrina chirps up, out of the blue. Right on cue, some food is thrown into our cell. Bread. I look around the room and try to see through the darkness. Then I see a camera on one of the corners.

"We're being monitored. It'll be hard to escape."

"But if we can't, who will save us?" Asks Delanie.

"Nick." I say firmly.

"How can you be so sure?" Sophie inquires.

"I know Nick. He will save us. I just know that he will. Right now, he's probably doing everything he can to rescue us."


*Nick's P.O.V*

I pace around the room.

"Relax. We'll find them." Zeo says.

"I know," I let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand through my red fur. "but it doesn't make any sense. Why would they only take the girls?"

"I don't know bro. But we have to find them." Tim replies. I vow to myself that I will find them. Especially Judy. She means the world to me.

*Judy's POV*

I wake up again. Huh. I don't remember falling asleep. It's so dark, I can barely see my handcuffed hands.

"Hello?" I call out. No response. "Kat?! Judy II?!" Am I all alone? Where is everyone?

"Hello, again Judy." My eyes widen. That can't be him...he died years ago! "I see that you are surprised to see me." I try to speak but I can't. I've been gagged again. A light turns on. The figure moves closer. I can finally see him. Oh no...

*Hey! So I opened Wattpad to update and saw that ZooLove had 1.53k views and 65 votes! Thank you guys so, so much! Are you enjoying the story so far? I just had to add some adventure. Comment down who think the villain is. I'll update as soon as I can. Bye my lovelies!*


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