Chapter 13

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Think on your feet. C’mon, Natasha. You got this.

            I looked at the two guards at the gate, and walked straight up to them.

            “I need to see Jason McCann,” I told the first one, who was a bit smaller then the second and less intimidating.

            My heart was beating out of my chest, I felt like they could hear it. I was anxiously waiting for him to say anything that wasn’t ‘sorry we killed him.’

            “We’re not authorized to do that,” he said, then looked me over. His eyes got wide, and he whispered something into his walkie talkie.

            “Ms. Dale, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to come with us,” he said, then grabbed me by the arm.

            The doors to the prison opened, and I was escorted through them and into a police car.

            “We’re taking you home,” the guard said.

            “Wait!” I yelled as he started up the engine. “You can’t do this.”

            “Why not?” he asked.

            “Please, just let me talk to him for five minutes. Then you can do whatever you want with me and him.”

            The officer looked at me, and I tried to get tears to come to my eyes. He sighed, got out of the car, as did I, and we walked into the prison.

            Doors opened to reveal other doors, security checked me for weapons, elevators and stairs were climbed, and finally, we reached the holding cells. My eyes scanned the room of mean looking criminals for Jason, but he was no where to be found. The men in the holding cells looked at me either with mean looks or nasty grins. I shuddered and saw Jason’s cell at the end of the hallway.

            The boy sitting it was not like the boy I was used too. Unlike the others, he gloomily looked down at the floor, which he was sitting cross-legged on, and sighed. His eyes had any of the anger and passion washed out of them. The orange jumpsuit crinkled at the sides and smoothed out where his knees bent. Jason’s hair, on the other hand, was… messy?

            “McCann!” the guard boomed. Jason looked up at him with blank eyes.

            “Get out,” he said, and roughly handcuffed Jason’s hands behind his back.

            The guard took Jason’s shoulder and shoved him towards me, then made us walk back through the any doors and doors into the interrogation room.

            When Jason saw me, his eyes brightened. He looked shocked.

            We took a seat across from each other and I clasped my hands on the table.

            “You have five minutes,” the guard told me, then walked to the corner of the room.

            I stared at Jason, and he stared back. He looked uncertain, wondering what my move was going to be. I was wondering that too.

            “You dirty son of a bitch!” I yelled, then slapped him across the face. “Everything that you put me through was hell, and that’s where you’re going.”

            Jason said nothing. He didn’t look worried, and he couldn’t block my hit with his arms behind his back.

            I slipped a pocketknife into my left hand and began talking again.

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