Chapter 12

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“She’s awake!” a female’s voice whispered, and my eyes fluttered open.

            I took in my surroundings and realized I was in…my room? I looked around at the posters, yellow walls, my desk, and my laptop lying on my desk, and suddenly began remembering what happened.

            “Mom, where’s Jason?” I asked urgently, and sat up in my bed, getting out of the covers.

            “Honey,” she said, putting a hand on my shoulder to gently nudge me back down. “You’re safe now, he’s gone.”

            But I didn’t feel safe. I felt safe with him. Yeah, I know how that sounds. Why would I feel safe with a crazy bomber kid who hits me constantly? Well, why do girls feel safe with huge jocks who are jerks and bound to hurt them?

            “Gone? Gone where?” I asked, getting frantic.

            “Sweetie, you need to calm down.”   

            Don’t tell me to calm down! Give me answers!

            I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “Mom, where is Jason McCann?”          

            She sighed. “They took him away, Tash. The secret service found him trying to break into the room you and the president were in, and took him away.”

            How’d she know what happened?

            “Took him away where, mom?”

            “Well,” she said slowly. “At first, they took him for questioning with the FBI. He confessed everything, honey.”

            Jason? Confessing?

            “What do you mean everything?” I asked.

            “The first bomb in the capitol building, how you were going to try to dismantle it, how he took you before you could, how he held you captive, how he was planning on killing the president, and how you jumped in and saved the day. You’re a national hero, honey.”

            She grinned but there was anguish in her eyes, probably knowing that I’d been kidnapped by a crazy bomber.

            “He said that he didn’t rape you or anything, is that true?” she asked me.

            “Um, no mom, he didn’t.”

            “He said he hit you more then once,” she said, and stared at me cheek bones. The bruises were still there.

            “Mom, I’m fine.”

            “I want you to see a counselor about this.”

            “I don’t need one!” I yelled at her, and she looked taken aback. I’d always been the perfect child, never yelled at her parents, never did anything bad. I’m sure she guessed being with Jason changed me. Who knows, maybe it did.

            “It’s okay sweetie, we’ll talk about it later. Right now, you need your rest.”

            “Mom, where’s Jason now?”


            Why? That’s a good question…I should be relieved he’s gone, right?

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