Chapter 11

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“Johnson has the bomb in place and ready to go,” Jason told me as he stared at the highway.

            I shrugged and looked down at my violet cocktail dress and black heels. My long brown hair was almost to my waist, all in waves. Jason was wearing a suit, complete with black dress shoes.

            “We’re going to be the hottest couple there,” he said, reading my mind.      

            Does he always make small talk before he does something like this?

            I didn’t say anything again, but simply stared at the roads in front of us. Remembering my school trip, it looked like we were nearing the white house.

            He sighed and turned to look at me. “Natasha, I’m sorry for everything.”

            Did he just apologize?           

            “Sincerely, I am,” Jason continued. “I wish I never took you in the first place. It was the biggest mistake of my life, and trust me Tash, I’ve made a lot of mistakes.”

            I still didn’t say anything, but actually tuned into what he was saying.

            “You deserved a regular life, and I just took that away from you. Given, I didn’t know who you were, but still. It was wrong.”

            Understatement of the century, Jason.

            At least he was trying.

            “Listen, whatever happens tonight, happens,” he said, and pulled of onto the main road to the white house. I saw lights and a bunch of men in black suits, who I knew weren’t the real security. The real security as I said earlier, were the ones in loose enough clothing to hold weapons, who looked just like regular civilians.

            “I just wanted to say—I love you, Natasha. And I am so, so sorry.”

            I shook my head. There was no getting attached now, not with what I was about to do. He sighed again and got through the front gate security, then parked the car in front of the building.

            I stared at the white house, which was lit up with music and caterers inside. It looked like a party, not a dinner, which surprised me a bit, but was also convenient. It would make my plan ten times easier.

            Jason took my arm in his, and walked up to the additional security. He had a facemask on, which changed his features, and temporarily dyed his auburn hair to a shade of blonde.

            We passed through the other security, which was just like airport security, checking if we had any weapons. We didn’t, of course, and continued into the actual building.

            “Let’s do this,” Jason whispered into my ear, and I giggled to not look suspicious. He laughed along with me, and we began to look for the president, who could be anywhere, but we were getting a lucky streak today.

            “Ahem, excuse me?” a voice said from across the room. I looked to see the president standing on the ballroom stage, holding a microphone and smiling.

            “I just wanted to thank you all for coming today,” he began, and I drowned him out. Jason and I made our way to the side of the stage, so that we could be the first to talk and shake hands with him once he got off.

            “Thank you again, and have an excellent evening!” he said happily after a couple minutes, and started to climb of the stairs slowly.

            “Mr. President,” Jason said loudly, shaking hands with him as soon as he got of the stage.

            “Are you enjoying your evening so far, mister—”

            “Mr. Smith,” Jason supplied.

            “Ah, yes, Mr. Smith,” the president said, and began talking with him.

            My heart was beating out of my chest. This was the moment I gave Johnson the signal to set the bomb off. I got my phone out, and sent him a text. Within three seconds, everyone heard the sound of a bomb going off in the other side of the building.

            The group of screaming and scared people started a couple seconds later, followed by a rush towards the door.

            The president’s security rushed to the stage. “Everyone, keep calm and stay inside, they’ll be expecting you to rush to the cars!”

            “Mr. President,” a man in a suit similar to Jason’s said, taking the president into the far corner of the white house, where Jason planted the bomb. We followed them quietly, and I knew it was almost my time to ruin the plan.

            Once we got to the remote room, Jason pounced onto the president’s security, taking them down one by one. There were three of them, and they were all knocked out within a minute.

            “Mr. President,” Jason said, turning to the guy, who now looked as white as a sheet. “It’s time we met.”

            I watched silently as Jason peeled of his facemask, and showed his true colors. The president looked like he was going to pass out then and there, but he didn’t.

            “Jason McCann!” he gasped.

            A sinister smirk appeared on Jason’s face as he licked his lips.

            “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time,” he said, shoved the president into the room, and was about to close the door when I jumped through the crack just in time. The steel door shut behind me, locking itself immediately. Jason didn’t have a grenade on hand, and there was no way he could get in here.

            He started screaming something, and it wasn’t out of anger. He knew if I didn’t get out of here I’d die in less then two minutes, and I needed him to think that. Knowing Jason, he’d stay here until he’d figure out how to get me out.

            I looked at Jason’s face twisted in anguish one final time, and then turned to the president, who looked at me with fear and despair.

            “I’m getting you out of here,” I huffed, and started feeling around the ground for the loose plank where the bomb was set. Once I felt it, I lifted it up, took the bomb out, and threw it to the other side of the steel-walled room, hoping the blast wouldn’t kill us.

            I didn’t have much time to think about it, the bomb blew up within ten seconds of me throwing it. The blast broke the entire wall, and gave the president and I a way to get outside the building. We were both knocked to the ground, and had to crawl out of the room.

            The president was having the same hard time as I was. He looked at the planks, and Jason, and back at me.

            “Thank you,” he coughed, and his eyes closed.        

            “No, stay with me!” I coughed out, and used the rest of my strength to check his pulse. He had one, thank God.

            My eyes started closing, and there wasn’t much I could do to reopen them. The screams I heard started getting fainter, and I saw a group of feet running towards us on the grass.

            They kept getting closer, but I wasn’t going to be awake long enough for them to ask us what happened. As much as I fought an internal battle against it, my eyes finally closed.

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