Chapter 7

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“You got it, man!” Johnson yelled, jogging over to Jason and clapping him on the back.

            “Yeah, well, she helped,” he said, arm around my waist.

            “How’d you get it?” Johnson asked.

            “Well,” Jason said smoothly. “The good old Sara Plan.”

            Johnson eyes looked me from head to toe and nodded. “I could see her pulling that one off.”

            “She did well, mostly. Made a little too much noise towards the end, but otherwise, not bad,” Jason said, slipping his arm out from around my waist and standing idle.

            Johnson looked back and forth between us.

            “Well?” he said.

            Jason and I both must’ve looked confused, or confused enough for him to clarify.

            “Kiss her!” he said urgently.

            No. I would not kiss Jason McCann. Jason McCann would not kiss me. I refuse. I turned to him, expecting to see the same reaction on his face, but was surprised to be greeted by his moist lips upon mine.

            He was gentle, which was not the type of kisser I’d assume him to be. His lips crawled upon mine, softly cradling, and he put his arm around the small of my back.

            The lips I’d seen yell at me so many times, the lips that pouted in anger whenever knew he was wrong, were now lingering upon mine, and he slowly drew back.

            Our eyes met once. The deep hazel eyes were staring into my bright blue ones.

            I couldn’t tell the emotion behind them. He almost looked angry.

            “Now that’s a kiss,” Johnson grinned, showing off his disgustingly yellow teeth.

            “Let’s get to work,” Jason said quickly, looking down at the floor in confusion.

            “You don’t want the day off?” Johnson asked.

            “No,” he said angrily. “Let’s build the bomb.”

            I spent the entire day watching them build it, and Jason didn’t look or talk to me once. Johnson tried to make conversation, but personally, he’s dumb as a brick, and I talked to him like he was one. But that’s okay, because somehow that guy was happy all day and every day no matter what. Even if his profession was killing people.

            Suddenly, I heard the sound of something metal crashing onto the floor, and looked towards Jason, who was angrily about to throw something else onto it.

            “Dude,” Johnson said, jogging over to Jason and picking him up.

            “Let me go, man!” he yelled, only to be thrown onto the couch by Johnson, who was significantly bigger then him.

            Jason got up, eyes mad, and punched Johnson directly in the cheek.           

            “What the fuck?” Johnson asked angrily, trying not to hit back. “What the hell’s wrong with you, man?”

            “I—I don’t know,” Jason said, looking angrily at the floor.

            “I think it’s time to call it a day,” the older boy stated, pushing Jason towards the door. He took me by the arm and pulled me along with him, closing the door behind us.

            “Jason—are you o—” I started.

            “Get in the fucking trunk, bitch!” he yelled at me, picking me up and tossing me in there. I tried to cry out but he closed the hood before I could get a sound out.

            The blackness enclosed around me. What had I done? I did everything right! I did everything he asked! I made a plan to kill the president! Sure, I had my own agenda to stop the plan, but still, he didn’t know that! I got the water saw! I did everything he asked!

            “You think you’re so pretty, don’t you? Walking around in those outfits?” Jason asked, walking around the pole I was now strapped to, again.

            “You bought me them,” I countered.

            “Did I ask you to speak?” he spat, hitting me across the face. Instantly, my arms pulled on the ropes, only to be met with them cutting into my skin, and a searing pain on my cheek.

            “I don’t get it, Jason. What’s wrong now?”

            “You think you have me wrapped around your finger, don’t you? I’ve known girls like you. You think you can Waltz in here and sleep on the couch. You think you can steal a saw perfectly.”

            “You kidnapped me, Jason. I didn’t fucking Waltz.”

            “Oh?” he said sarcastically, turning to face me. “Is that right? Kidnapped? That’s such a brutal word, isn’t it?”

            “I don’t think it’s—”

            “But that’s just it, Natasha. You do think. You think everything out. You think you can make me—make me—”

            “Make you what, Jason?”

            His fist made contact with my face before I could do anything, on a bruise I already had from him. The pain intensified, only to be met by another hit. I cried out in pain, and he smirked a little, enjoying it.

            “Aw, did that hurt?”

            I didn’t say anything, and he hit the other side of my face, turning it towards him.

            “Jason! Please!” I yelped.

            “I just can’t—I’m not—”

            “You’re not what?” I practically gasped.

            “I—I—” he stammered, then licked his lips.

            I watched in terror as he brought his arm back to hit me once, twice, then three times, across the face. He held my chin in place and hit the other side the same amount. Tears started flowing down my face, whether from pain or shock, I didn’t know.

            “Please,” I whimpered, “Please stop.”

            He hit me once more, the hardest time, across the right side of my face, narrowly missing my nose. I bit down hard on my lip to keep from screaming, and even drew some blood.

            He looked at the floor again, confused and angry at the same time. It was almost as if he was having an internal battle, or trying to convince himself something.

            “I—you can’t do this to me!” he yelled. “I can’t be—I can’t—”

            He looked frustrated as he walked away from my body, which was shaking with sobs, and grabbed his jacket before walking out the door. I had no idea what that was about, or what he was trying to say, and my face felt like it was on fire. The warm tears soothed it, but the emotional pain was there.

            He left me wondering with all the thoughts that raced through my mind.

            I did everything he asked me to.

            I didn’t understand what I did wrong this time

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