Chapter 3

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I woke up, disoriented, in a cold, dark place.

            I tried to move, but my hands were strapped to the pole behind me. My body was stiff, and when I tried to move my wrists, the ropes cut into my skin. I’d have marks there. Damn this kid.

            I squinted my eyes as I looked around the room. Jason wasn’t in here yet, and I didn’t know when he was going to be back, or if he had left me to die in here. He obviously hadn’t though, when I saw the sandwich in front of me. I was about to go for it, but my hands wouldn’t unclasp from the pole.

            Sick bastard.  

            I sighed heavily and continued looking around, and it looked like a warehouse. There was random furniture everywhere, including a bed with sheets and pillows, a TV, and a couch. I wondered whether the TV could be turned on or not, and then started looking for a phone, but there wasn’t one anywhere in sight.

            But where’s my phone?

            I felt hope shoot through me, but I noticed it wasn’t in my pocket anymore. I looked around the room cautiously, expecting to see it sitting on the table in front of me alongside the sandwich.

            “Looking for this?” a husky voice said from the other side of the warehouse echoed. I watched as Jason emerged from the dark corner of the other side of the room, closing the warehouse door behind him. I squinted to see what he was carrying, and he took my phone out of his jean’s pocket.

            I bit my tongue from calling him any derogatory names, seeing as how he had lashed out at me earlier.

            He smiled a sickly grin. “Good girl.”

            I didn’t say anything, but stared at the sandwich, hoping he’d get the message. Jason smirked and picked it up, sitting down next to me. My whole body stiffened when his arm grazed up against mine, even if I was wearing a north face.

            I turned my head to Jason as he took a bite out of the sandwich.

            “Mmmm,” he said as he licked his lips.

            My mouth was watering and I heard my stomach rumble, as did he.

            “Oh, you’re hungry? Well, you’ve only been passed out since noon yesterday.”

            He clicked the button on my phone. “Now it’s—four. You’ve officially been missing for over twenty four hours.”

            “Awesome,” I muttered as my stomach rumbled again. He sighed and put the sandwich in front of my face.

            “Eat,” he commanded. I was going to open my mouth to say no, but he shoved the sandwich into it, and I was forced to swallow.

            “Look,” he said agitatedly as he put the sandwich down and went to take the ropes off my hands. “I can’t have you die of starvation just yet. You could be useful to me.”

            “I’m glad,” I spat as I rolled my newly released hands around and stood up. The ropes cut into my arms, and I noticed that they had left scars.

            I took the sandwich and started chewing on it as I sat atop the table.

            “How could I be useful to you, Jason?”

            He licked his lips and smirked. “Well, I could think of a few ways you might be interested in too.”

            “I’m sorry, I don’t have romances with maniacal criminals,” I told him.

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