Temple Of Light

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We walked around the Dark Island, making sure no one didn't see us. Because you have no idea what the heck could happen if they did.

Sensei randomly said in the silence, " We're suppose to be looking for something here. "

I turned around to look at him. ' What does he mean? '

" What do you mean, Sensei? " Zane asked, tilting his head.

" Place called, the Temple Of Light. "

" Yes, Temple Of Light. It has great power there, it says in my research. " Misako said.

" Well why not look for it? " I said,

" Good idea, Y/N. Lemme check.. Hm.. Find 3 lights, and that's where the Temple Of Light is. Me and Wu will be at the Bounty.. Be careful. "

We all nodded, and watched as they ran to the Bounty.

" Ok, let's go. "


We climbed up on a wall, to find dozens of Stone Warriors.

" Ok let's g-- "

" Wait. " Zane interrupted.

" Is that my falcon? "

I looked over to where he was pointing at. How did they get it?

" I've been looking for it everywhere...  It mus'tve landed at the Dark Island. "

" I have to get it. " Zane said.

" What!?! "

" No Zane, that's not apart of the mission! " Lloyd said.

" Ugh just let him do it. " I rolled my eyes.

" Thank you, Y/N! " He quietly and quickly climbed the wall, hiding everywhere place to place.

-- 10 minutes of Zane standing there like a idiot. --

" Ugh why wont Zane hurry up! Its just a stupid falcon. " Cole said, angry.

" I think I found the Temple Of Light! " Jay shouted.

I looked up at him, and asked where.

he pointed at a CAR.

Kai facepalmed.

" Jay how did you ever become a ninja? "


Zane P.O.V

I waited and waited, but I couldn't anymore.

I got out my shuriken's and I aimed at the Stone Warriors.

" A Ninja! " Stone Warrior shouted.



" A Ninja! " I heard a Stone Warrior say. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Zane.

" Ugh, Why Zane! "

" Ugh, let's go get him. "

" No! " Kai shouted. What the hell?

 " Uh Kai, we all know how lazy you are, but we NEED TO SAVE HIM. " I shouted.

" I know! Come on, its Zane! " Knowing we will all need him during this mission.

We got down, and saw Garmadon run.

" Ugh, I knew it! Hes here! " Lloyd shouted.

 We fought off the Stone Warriors, getting close to the Temple Of Light.

Before we knew it, Nya called out for her Samurai Suit.

" Phew, life saver sis. " Kai said.


We got up to the Temple Of Light, and we all woah'ed at it. (idk what else 2 say.)

" Well what are we waiting for? Hurry before the Stone Warriors catch up to us! " Lloyd said.

We all ran in, and saw dusty walls, and etc.

" Woah look at that wall... It has pictures of us from before, and even right now! " Cole shouted.

I wiped off the spiders and dust of the other walls.

" Whats this? "

I saw a color of each of us.





and in the Middle, Golden, mixed with Purple.

" I think we're suppose to get on these, and me and Lloyd is in the middle... " I said.

We all got in the places we're suppose to be.

Me and Lloyd looked at eachother, smiling. I held his hand.

" So uh, what do we have to do? " Lloyd asked.

" UGH, WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD! " Jay shouted. Ugh I swear hes so annoying, but adorable.

Lloyd looked up, and smiled. I guess he just found out.

" Guys, the bell is an instrument! "

" Oh! " We all said.

" You guys ready for this? "

I smiled.

He let go of my hand, and jumped on the wall, jumping to the bell to kick it.

The bell rang in my ears, but I stayed still, as Lloyd came right back to where I was, holding my hand once again.

Light came down from the bell, making us both go in the air.

I held his hand even tight, as we both closed our eyes.

I could feel so much energy flowing through me.. As we both spun around.

I opened my eyes, and watched as everyone's Ninja's gi changed.

It was mostly black, but red also.

Mostly black, but blue also.

Mostly black, but grey.

Mostly black, but white also.

Mostly black, but green.

And mostly black, but purple.

Swords popped in their hands, having each of their elemental powers, except for me and Lloyd.

We both fell, but I stopped my fall.

I looked at my Ninja Gi, and everyone else's, wow.

The Stone Warriors finally ran inside. God they're so slow.

We all grouped together, as everyone else got ready with their sword.

" Let's go. "



Well there ya go. I had a urge to make another chapter, everyone kept begging, and I was bored as hell.

Shoutout to

PrincessMarcySparkle (couldn't mention you for some reason xD)

for spamming my notifications all day xD

- Alana

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