Chapter 17

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"We've got work to do"


Violet sat against the headboard of her father's bed. She has already slept for the night and was waiting for Dean to wake up. Sam was gone when she had opened her eyes for the day but she wasn't all that worried, she knew he'd be back. 

She had a book in her lap. It was about the size of an encyclopedia but that didn't bother her. One thing that might have looked off was the fact that she was reading just fine without the lamp on but that didn't mean she was reading without a light.

It looked like a bunch of fireflies moving down the page as her eyes skimmed the text. The first time Dean had seen her do that she had been trying to wake him up, that was a wake-up call. He had freaked out and demanded she never do it unless she was only in front of him or his brother.

She was pulled out of her book by the sound and light of the front door being opened. She had seen him coming long before he unlocked the door. Dean's eyes open and she felt his hand move from underneath her leg to under his pillow. Violet tapped his head and he looked up at her. She shook her head and patted his let him know everything was fine.

Sam came around the corner with three cups in his hands. Two were stacked on top of each other and the other one was by itself in his other hand. Dean propped himself up and turned to look at his brother.

"What time is it?"

"Oh, about 5:45." Dean groaned and fell back against the bed. Sam chuckled and handed Violet the cup that was by itself. She smelled into the cup and smiled as the sent of hot chocolate moved to her nose.

"Where does the day go?" He questioned sarcastically. Dean rolled over almost onto his daughter only to have her to shove him off. She was pleased with herself when she managed not to spill her drink.

She looked back to her uncle and frowned. She didn't like the tiredness that was painted on his face. She wanted to share some of her energy but the last time she tried that she ended up shocking the crap out of Dean.

From that day on she wasn't allowed to use that power. It's was almost like she didn't know how to shut that door when she opened it same thing came to when taking the stuff in.

Sam figured that if she could learn how to turn the intake button off that her hair would probably grow at a normal rate. Part of her one of your hair to grow like it does in the other part of her wanted to go to school with the regular kids.

"When was the last time you had a goods night sleep?" Dean also noticed the tiredness.

"Not sure?" Sam's shrugged. Violet took a big sip of her drink and look between the two of them. Dean wanted to ask him if he was still having nightmares about Jess but you didn't want to ask about it in front of the kid.

Sam moved to his bed and sat down. Violet move beds to sit next to her uncle while Dean sat up. He gave her a 'what the hell look' and she giggled. Sam glanced down at the book she was reading and nodded impressed. Dean looked at it and frowned.

"Daddy, what are we doing today?" Dean frowned deeper and thought about the time his brother had told him it was. He shrugged and his phone rang. Violet huffed but didn't say anything as he answered.


Violet wrapped hand in her father's in an attempt to keep up. They were moving through a warehouse filled with men moving around doing whatever it was they were supposed to be doing.

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