chapter 7

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"So what's it going to be?" Sam stood at the end of his bed with the suitcase open and halfway filled with clothes. He angrily threw in another shirt as John stood behind him with his arms crossed. John was still waiting for an answer when Dean and Violet walked threw the door. They had just gotten back from her fifth hair cut this month. It was getting to the point where they were spending more money on her hair then they were for food.

Sam had continued taking her out whenever he could so she could play around with her powers but he never really learned anything about her powers or how they worked. All he knew is that the long they were out there the longer her hair got. So he started bringing scissors with his and doing his best to cut it back to the length it was when they went out. But it didn't work. It would just grow right back within the next couple of days.

So he decided to stop taking her out for a bit to see if it would stop growing. It didn't, it didn't even slow down. Dean started getting aggregated when he started having to take her to the hair dressers every week but it soon became a habit and he stopped complaining. As her hair got longer it started getting thicker.

Dean never brought up the fact that her hair growth was anything other then normal. Still in denial with her being a witch and Sam couldn't stop thinking about how them ignoring it was going to bite them all in the ass. It was only a matter of time before something or another hunter realized that she was more then normal and decided to come after her for whatever reason. Not to mention if they didn't let her use her abilities in a safe environment then she would never learn how to control them. He didn't think that her school would appreciate it very much if they had a fire drill and she started running around looking for the 'fire' that everyone was so worked up about.

Violet ran over to her grandfather and wrapped her arms around his legs. The six year old came up to his hip and he set his hand on top of his head but didn't take his gaze off his youngest son. Dean looked between his brother and father. Their fights have been getting worse the last couple months and whenever he could see one coming on he would take Violet off somewhere so she didn't see it.

"I already told you that I'm leaving." Sam said. Throwing the last shirt in the case he closed it shut and turned around to face his father. "I can't keep living like this. Moving around every freaking month waiting for the next clue on whatever killed mom to pop back up and lead us on a damn goose chase!" Dean felt his own anger begin to bubble up and he moved over to stand next to John.

"You have a responsibility to this family." John told him calmly but even Violet could hear the anger hiding under his tone. She backed up from her grandfather causing her to run into her father who put both of his hands on her shoulder to keep her from moving anywhere.

"I have a responsibility to myself. And the only way I will ever get out of this life is if I take myself out of it." He picked it up and moved it next to the door before moving to the bathroom and grabbing his other bag. Violet looked between all the men in her life and couldn't for the life of her understand where her uncle could be going that would make her grandfather so upset.

"You're leaving?" Violet questioned in a small voice. All eyes turned to her. The anger on Sam's face dissipated as he looked down at his niece. She watched him with very confused eyes and then glanced at her father as if he had the answers.

Dean looked to his brother with anger in his eyes as he thought over how to explain the situation to his daughter. He just decided to pull her closer to him and sighed deeply. Sam took a deep breath.

"I have to go to school." He told her gently.

"Then you'll be home soon." She said and held onto her dad's hand over her shoulder. "Why is everyone upset?"

"No, sweetie. School like college…." He explained, crouching down so he was roughly on her level. "….in California." She frowned.

"Are we going with you?"

"No Violet." John said coldly. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Why not?" John looked down at his granddaughter and saw her face. His softened slightly but he didn't say anything to assure her that everything would be alright. It was about time she learned that people leave and do things that disappoint the people they care about. Dean decided to take over.

"Sam's leaving and there isn't anything else to say about it." Sam huffed and gave his brother a dirty look.

"It won be forever. I'll visit." He promised.

"If you walk out that door you better stay gone." John's words stung everybody in the room. Violet looked up at her grandfather in disbelief, what wouldn't he want Uncle Sammy to come back? Sam looked at John and bit onto the inside of his cheek. He didn't want to say something that he would regret. So he stood back up and grabbed onto his things.

"Fine." He looked to his bother and back down to his niece. "Dean, can I talk to you outside before I leave?" Dean glanced to his father to see what to do and found him watching him with an expression made of steel.

"No, whatever you need to tell me, you can say it right here." Dean pressed his daughter closer to himself as if to remind him not to let her see him lose his control. Sam looked back down to his niece before tightening his face and started.

"Let me take Violet." Even John was slightly shocked at his request.

"You want to take my daughter?" Dean's voice went from calm to aggressive in less then a second. Sam didn't flinch at his brothers tone, knowing that if he was ever going to win this argument then he needed to not show any weakness.

"Dean, she needs to have a stable household where she doesn't have to move schools every few months."

"Don't tell me what my daughters needs."

"I'm just trying to do whats best for her. I can take care of her." Dean cut her off.

"I don't care, she is my daughter and if you think for one second I'm going to let her live with you without me then you're a lot dumber then I ever thought you could be." Dean picked her up and held her against him. She was crying and clutching onto him. Sam looked at her and then sighed. Dean wanted to punch his brother for even letting that thought cross his mind. "Violet, belongs with me."

"Okay." Sam knew that if he pushed the topic any harder he would more then likely get his lights punched out. He sighed, and turned around to leave. Violet started fighting her father to get down, he tried holding onto her but he was shocked into dropping her. Literally shocked. It ripped through his body and as she fell to the floor, so did he. She ran to her uncle and latched onto him.

"No! Don't leave!" She cried. Sam put his things on the floor again and held her. John helped his other son up off the floor, not understanding what happened.

"I'm sorry." Sam told her.

"Please don't leave! I'll be better, everyone will be better I promise!" She was holding onto him so tight that her fingernails were cutting though his shirt and into his skin but Sam didn't care.

"It's not your fault." He assured, "I'm just going to school." She held onto him tighter, at this point Dean was up off the floor but he didn't go after her. Even though he wanted to set his brother on fire for making her cry like this he knew that his brother had every right to say goodbye to his niece. He held on to her a little longer before nodding to Dean for him to come and get her, knowing that she wasn't going to let go one her own.

Dean walked over and tentatively grabbed onto his daughter, waiting for another shock. When he didn't feel one he pulled onto her. John had to come and unlatch her hands. It took them over five minuets to get the screaming child off Sam and when they did she latched onto the next closest person which happened to be her father. Dean held her while she cried and Sam pressed his lips her head, he didn't give his father or brother another look before walking out of the door and out of their lives.

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