Chapter 2

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Dean leaned back against the Impala, a crying baby in his arms. John had gotten angry when she started crying at three o'clock in the morning and refused to stop no matter what Dean did for her. So that's how he ended up standing in the warm muggy air of a Lecanto Florida motel. They were in town for a possible haunting, Violet didn't seem to have much of an issue with spending most of her time in a car, in fact she slept through most of the rides and when she did wake up Sam would feed her or they would stop somewhere to attend to her needs, whatever they may be.

They still weren't sure how she ended up outside their motel room and they had no idea what really happened with her mother. John made Dean get a paternity that came back positive. After that John let up about the whole getting rid of her thing. Dean knew that John didn't want to admit it but he was warming up the little baby. Dean sometimes caught him smiling when she did something cute but the second he realize that either one of his kids were paying attention he would go back to being his grumpy self.

"Come on, go back to sleep." The two month old just cried like he hadn't said anything. Just when he thought he was making headway with this whole being a dad thing she had to go and show him just how bad at it he was. "Please?" He attempted. He bounced her, tired to feed her, checked her for a dirty diaper, but nothing was wrong, at least nothing that he could find. He turned around and laid her on the hood of the car. She stopped crying. He frowned, then smiled. "You like the car?" He asked her. She blinked up at him. She moved her fist so it was in her mouth and smiled right back up at him through her hand. "You know this whole waking up in the middle of the night and screaming your head off is getting old? Right?" She giggled. He waited a couple minuets, just let her have her time on the car and hoped to god that when he picked her up she wouldn't start crying again. It didn't take long for her eyes to grow heavy and begin to close and he decided to try and take her back inside.

"She asleep?" Sam asked in a whisper when Dean laid her down in her napper and then climbed back into the bed he shared with his younger brother.

"For now."


"You need to do something about her waking up every night." John told his son the next morning after he dropped Sam off at school. After missing a month Dean decided to just take the GED test and if he passed then he passed, if not then he doesn't need it anyway. He passed but by the skin of his teeth.

"What do you want me to do? Shes a baby."

"I don't know, but we cant hunt monsters if were about to pass out because we haven't been getting enough sleep."

"From what I read she should start sleeping though the nights within the next couple of weeks. We've made it three months, a couple of weeks wont be that bad." Dean said, looking into the back seat to make sure she was alright. She was batting at a few colorful ribbons Dean had attached to the roof of the Impala for her. The hung down just of of reach of her mouth and he had them hooked up. well enough that he was confident that she couldn't pull them down. John looked into the rear-view and followed his sons gaze. He watched her latch onto a bright blue ribbon and yank on it. Dean chuckled.

"You gotta admit, shes pretty cute." Dean told his father to which he grunted. They pulled into the parking lot of the motel.

"You get to stay here and babysit while I go and check out the crime scene." John said, not even bothering to pull into a spot while Dean got of the car and walked around to the other side and unbuckle the kid. Dean didn't argue with his father and stepped back with the baby in his arms as he pulled away. Violet giggled and reached up at his face. He didn't want to put her in day care because he was afraid that she would start showing signs of powers. So far nothing has happened but that didn't stop him from watching everything she did like a hawk, looking for something out of the ordinary. He was hoping that she wouldn't have any powers, that the fact that he was a normal human would cancel them out somehow. They also made sure to steer clear of other hunters, not all of them were as opened minded as the Winchesters needed to be when it comes to their newest addition. One little magical flare up and they could be looking at a very bad situation.

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