Chapter 13

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"Grandpa, where are we going?" John looked down at the little girl as she shoved the cookies Missouri gave her in her mouth.

"To go see a few more of my friends." They spent about two days at Missouri's, learning about the things that went on in the six year old's head. It was on the second day that he got a phone call from Pastor Jim that sounded more then urgent. Unlike the other hunters that he had cut contact with he decided that Pastor Jim was to good of a friend to lose and he didn't think that he would hurt Violet. He was one of the hunters that didn't just shoot first and ask questions later. He would have left Violet with Missouri but all her could think about was the last time he had left her alone and how terrible things got between him and Dean.

"Are they like Ms. Missouri?"


"Do they like special people?" John took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. He didn't know whether or not telling her about other hunters not liking people like her was a good idea. Then he reminded himself that not everything out there is good and that its better that she leans now while she still young and they can protect her.

"I think you'll be fine." He gave her a reassuring smile. He had tried treating her like he had his sons but she didn't react like they had. Dean reacted the way John intended, doing as told. Sam was a little more defiant but at least he acted like he understood and just chose to disobey.

Violet on the other hand just didn't respond. If she didn't think you were being nice to her then she had nothing to say to you. She is literally the definition of 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.' So after a year of trying to treat her like a warrior and not getting anywhere he just decided to let her be her. He knew the Dean thought it was weird at first, commenting several times on his lack of pressure on her.

It was a few seconds later that his phone started ringing and he saw Dean's name pop up on the caller ID. He flipped it open and pressed it to his ear. "Yeah?"

"I'm finished." Dean said shortly, his voice sounded gruff and John could tell that it hadn't been an easy ending, he ignored his tone of voice though and just got down to business.

"I'm on my way to meet Pastor Jim." John could hear the sound of his son coughing up whatever it was he was drinking and John waited for him to be finished.

"I- I thought we just agreed that we're going to try our best to keep her away from other hunters!" He exclaimed, "and they you decide to directly take her to one!" Dean's voice was starting to get angry and he let him get it out before he cut him off.

"He needs my help. It sounded urgent." John didn't explain it any better then that and just let Dean vent.

"No, drop her off with me before you go."

"I'm already passing state lines. Don't have time."

"Fine, I'll meet you there." He could hear Dean moving around and getting his things together.

"Dean, Jim's not going to hurt her if he even finds out. As long as she doesn't do anything supernatural she will be fine."

"You don't know that." Dean was beyond angry as he threw his clothes into his bag. He packed up the rest of the weapons into the other bag and quickly moved them into the back of the Impala. He went back into the room and got the rest of his crap, he gave the room one last once over and left it at that. He didn't even bother checking out.

"She's going to be fine."

"Is that Daddy?" Violet asked, reaching for the phone and pressed herself against the seat-belt trying to get to it. John didn't answer her.

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