Chapter 4

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John held Violet in his arms. He held an oxygen mask to her face and her fingers were wrapped tightly inside his jacket. The doctors let him hold on to her while they ran a few blood tests. The firemen had found her in her bed.

So John rode with them to the hospital and let them take a look at her before they brought her back out with an oxygen mask and tear filled eyes. John called his son and told him to come straight back to the hospital after he finished up with what he was doing. John knew he messed up, knew that his son was going to be livid and the chances of his getting out of out of this without a black eye were slim to none.

Violet just seemed scared and refused to let the doctors look at her after they gave her back to her grandfather. She didn't like the mask and she didn't like anything they were doing. John smoothed down her hair and held her tighter.

"Dad!" John turned and saw his son running towards him Sam not far behind. Dean got down on his knees in front of John. He brushed her hair to the side and pulled her form his father's arms. She happily made the switch. "What the hell happened?" Dean asked, holding the oxygen mask in place. Just as John was about to answer him one of the firefighters came over to them. John was pretty sure that it was the same one that brought her out of the motel but he had been focused on more pressing matters at the time.

"How's she doin'?" He asked. Dean looked between his father and the new man and his face went from concerned to pissed off in a matter of seconds.

"The doctor said she would more then likely be fine." John answered, not meeting Dean's eyes.

"Good, I'm glad." He said, blowing out a lung full of air and scratched the back of his neck. "I've got to say, I've never seen anything like this before." Both John and Dean looked at the man in confusion. Sam trying to make Violet smile and look less in pain but so far it wasn't working. "Her bed was completely on fire….and she doesn't even have a scratch on her." He shook his head, "that's one lucky baby you've got there." He told them. He glanced at his watch. "I've got to go." John thanked him and Dean just glared at his father.

"What fire?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah Dad. What fire?" Dean's arms tightened around his daughter. John sighed and recounted the story. He didn't leave anything out, knowing that his kids would figure out whatever that he left out.

"You left her alone so you could go and get drunk?" Dean questioned incredulously, he couldn't believe that he would do something that stupid. "She's two!"

"She was asleep, I was gone for less then twenty minuets."

"You're trying to justify this, she almost died!" Dean was shaking with anger, "you're lucky she's in my arms right now." He seethed. John didn't try and fight him at all, he knew he deserved it. But at the same time he wanted to tell him to watch his tone. Sam was just shocked. He wasn't sure how to handle what happened, he was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that his niece almost burned to death.

The doctors decided to keep Violet overnight to make sure there weren't any late affects to her lungs and Dean told John to find them another motel. Sam went with him but Dean was to caught up in what the doctors were telling him. He didn't want to look at his father let alone sleep in the same room.

Dean sat in the back seat of the impala as his father drove and his younger brother took his seat in the front. Dean has spent the last week ignoring his father. Every time he looked at John all he wanted to do was break his face.

Violet didn't understand what the big deal was so she just went back to everything she did before it happened. The fact that once her symptoms of smoke inhalation were gone she went right back to normal made Dean uneasy. As far as he was concerned she should be traumatized. Not that he was upset that she wasn't.

"Daddy, thirsty!" Violet exclaimed. She hit at his arm to make sure she had his attention. Dean grabbed her fist to keep her from hitting him again.

"No hitting." He told her firmly.

"Please!" She completely ignored what he said but she didn't try and hit him again.

"Dad." Dean said the one word and John sighed but turned at the next exit. The only good thing that came out of what happened was the fact that John no longer gave Dean a hard time about Violet, if she needed something, instead of complaining he would just go get it. He offered to watch her whenever Dean needed to go somewhere but Dean vowed that John would never be alone with her again.

About ten minuets later they pulled into the parking lot of a Gas n Sip. Dean got out to get what they needed and made it a point to ask Sam to keep an eye on Violet. John didn't say anything but he sighed. John looked at the girl through the rear-view mirror. She was smiling brightly out the window, waiting for her father to come out of the store. She was kicking her feet up and down but they weren't long enough to really hit his seat. But they did brush it every time she moved them.

Sam had been thinking about everything that happened at the motel. He didn't understand what happened. How is it that a two year old little girl is found on a burning bed and makes it out without so much as a scratch. The heat alone should have done something to her skin but the doctors couldn't find any burns. There was something that he wanted to try but he knew that if he brought it up to his brother there was a good chance that all of Dean's anger would get redirected to him.

Dean climbed back in the car and opened up a bottle of apple juice. He held it up to her mouth while she tried to hold it up herself. He chuckled and pulled it away when she was finished. She ran her hadn over her mouth to clean her face and then wiped it off on her car seat. Sam looked over his shoulder and thought about whether or not to bring up his thoughts. In the end he decided to wait until they weren't all trapped in such a small space.



"Daddy!" She kicked her feet and squealed.

"Yes." He leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes, knowing that it was going to be a very long ride.

"Dean?" Sam asked as Dean threw his daughter onto one of the beds. She screamed and climbed off only to fall on the floor, she got up and threw her arms up, letting her body fall against her father's legs. He picked her up and threw her on the bed again and smiled as she screamed/laughed.


"Don't you find it odd that she wasn't burned?" John looked over to his sons and furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't sure what Sam was getting at but he didn't think Dean was going to like it.

"No, I'm grateful and I would rather no question it."

"Well, we've been waiting for her to show powers and when something happens that's not normal you want to ignore it?"

"Sam, she didn't show any kinds of powers. She made it out of a freak accident," he shot a look to his father.

"You don't want to at least test it out?"

"Test it out?" Dean questioned. "You want to burn her?" Not even his daughter falling into his legs could remove the look of anger from his face. She wrapped her arms around his legs and buried her head into his jeans.

"No, just….yes but not to bad. Just a little flame and if it burns her then I'm wrong and you can punch me. But if she's fine then we know whether or not she's coming into her powers."

"She's not coming into her powers. I thought we decided that she doesn't have any."

"Just because you said she wont have powers doesn't mean that she doesn't have them. It just means that you don't want her to." John piped up.

"You stay out of this." Dean pointed to his father, placing a hand on Violet's head. "She is a perfectly normal two year old baby girl. She's 'coming into' her powers. The fire just hadn't gotten to her yet."

"He said-"

"I don't give a damn what the guy said!" Dean picked her up and swung her into his arms. "I'm taking her to a park so she can tire herself out, just like every other two year old kid does!" He stormed out of the room leaving an exasperated Sam and a fed up John.

Poor Dean.

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