The decision

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(Princess) Ember's POV:

"Are you feeling okay...?" She asked Melissa, who just gave her a slight nod, with her same 'just thinking' answer. As the duo continued to walk, Ember started to think 'How bad was the damage to her head? Will she have forgotten who we are? She couldn't... Could she? She couldn't forget us.....' She thought to herself, before coming up on the hospital, where her sister had been staying. Upon arriving, the two walked in the door, to find her sister sitting on the bed, all ready to go

(Princess) Ashley's POV:

 Knowing she would be getting out of the cramped space today, she was sitting up. Her ribs were wrapped tightly, but her head seemed almost completely better. Having not suffered any, or minimal, brain damage, she smiled as she saw her twin, and her younger sister enter the room. Gently she slid out of the bed, hugging the two gently. Still being weak, she was a bit wobbily, but she could walk, despite her hurt foot. "Hay gurl" She said with a smile, as she hugged both of her sisters "H-Have you guys seen Ash?" She asked, a small blush forming on her face

Ember and Melissa looked at each other, and giggled softly.

(Princess) Ember's POV:

 "Don't you worry your pretty little mind, he's in a meeting with the other guys. He'll be out to see you when he's done" She says to her twin with a smile. "Come on, lets get you back to the house, we can explain everything there. How well can you walk?" She asked, looking at her sister curiously

(Princess) Samantha's POV:

"I don't understand what the big deal here is. Knowing Ash, she's going to go stay with that dude" She says, ranting "You know how overly in love she gets, so fast! She's going to end up getting hurt, and she's going to lock herself away again, and we're not going to see her. Remember what happened when Blackmore turned her down??? We didn't see her for months, she managed to get kidnapped and now we're ALL here!!"

(Princess) Rebellion's POV:

"Whoa! You're blaming this all on Ash?! If she hadn't tried to SAVE us, we wouldn't have gotten outta there!! You can't blame Ash, it's not her fault at all!!! And I swear to god, you better keep YOUR damn mouth shut around her!!!!!!!!!!" She was so angry, she could have hit her sister, and knocked her out, But she knew that wouldn't do anything but make things worse

JInxx's POV:

'I can't help but think about Ash... What if that girl he likes decides to go back to where she came from with her sisters? He'll be heart broken... And.. That Ember girl... I can't stop thinking about her, either.... Maybe I'll ask her to go out to dinner with me sometime.... Yeaaa.... But she's Ash's crush's sister... I'll ask him first.... I don't want to fuck my relationship with him up'

(Princess) Ashley's POV:

She was just getting home with her two sisters, and she was exhausted. Ember and Melissa helped her up the steps, and got her into bed, where she quickly fell asleep. The two snuck downstairs, to meet up with the other two. Rebellion was glaring at Samantha crossly, before looking at the two

(Princess) Rebellion's POV:

"Hey, Ember, why don't you ask what Samantha said whilst you two were picking up Ash?? Because I think you of all people would LOVE to hear it." She said, before sending a glare back at her sister

(Princess) Samantha's POV:

"Really?! You're going to throw ME under the bus?! Fine!! I expressed my opinion. And that opinion was that WE would not be in this SITUATION if it weren't for the half-cripple upstairs!! There, I said it!!"

(Princess) Ashley's POV: All she could hear was yelling, and when her ears adjusted, all she heard was 'my opinion was that WE would not be in this SITUATION if it weren't for the half-cripple upstairs!! There, I said it" thoughts rushed to her head 'Is that really what they think? It is my fault... I can't be more of a burden to them than I already am... I wonder if Ash will let me stay with him....' Until she saw Ash again, she decided to try and fall asleep again. The house was quiet as all of her sisters looked at Samantha in shock. Tears dripped down her face, and she cried herself to sleep.

~A few hours later~

Jinxx's POV: 

After the meeting was over, he went to go catch up with one of his best friends, Ashley. "Hey, dude? Can I talk to you?" Ash nodded, though he was hell bent on going to his princess. "Would you care if I dated the princess named Ember? I know you like princess Ashley, and I just didn't want this to ruin our friendship.'' Ashley chuckled and said "Go ahead, dude! Good luck!"

Ashley's POV:

He was walking towards the princess's living quarters, with a pep in his step, ready to see his princess. Little did he know, that all but one of them were fighting, and the 5th was upstairs, crying, thinking that it was her fault entirely. Reaching the house, he knocked on the door, and waited to be let in

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