Terrible Things

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William Control's POV:

"What do you mean you let her get away?" he growled at Blackmore, who was just waking from his unconscious state. "That monster used her power and all I remember is hitting the wall, everything went black after that" Blackmore attempted to defend himself, before being cut off "SILENCE!" William shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk infront of him. "So far you have only FAILED me, Blackmore. You will be the one to retrieve her. I don't care how, and it better not end up like her mother. YOU and YOU alone are in charge of her and that little pet of her. You don't kill him, you don't kill her, or I WILL KILL YOU. Do I make myself clear?" He asked, looking at Blackmore, who only pathetically nodded, running out the door.

-Flashback to what happened to the king and queen- 

(King) Jamie's POV:

'Everything is dark.... But I need to be strong.... I need to be strong for my girls...... I need to be strong for my queen.... The love of my life..... Please, I pray to the gods to keep them safe...' He thought to himself as he tried to make it through the suffering that he was being put through. He had always known about his wife's powers, but never thought that something like this could ever happen. They had been taken, their oldest child there, but thankfully unharmed. They believed that she would be the only one with the gift, so she had been given a supressing crystal at birth, to try and keep everyone in the kingdom safe, the same with the other children. He felt something hit him on the head, and as he was passing out, he said aloud "Rebellion.... Sammi.... Melissa.... Ember..... Ashley...Kat...... Please, forgive me." as he took his last breath and floated to the other side. "You idiot!!!!" one F.E.A.R. soldier said to the other "Man, our leader is going to be pissed...." the other said softly before they exited the room, leaving his body to get cold and stiffen on the floor

(Queen) Kat's POV:

 After a long shock-"therapy" she was put back in the cell that her and her husband shared. "Jamie....?" she asked weakly, seeing his form on the floor "JAMIE?! JAMIE?!" She screamed before rushing over to him, holding his head in her lap. William Control himself came in to see what had happened and Kat's eyes started to glow, as her powers began to activate, killing all the F.E.A.R. soldiers that had come in and nearly killing their leader himself. He quickly got out and she calmed herself, taking one of the staffs and stabbing it through her chest, collapsing to the floor immediately and bleeding out in less than a minute. A F.E.A.R. soldier came in a moment later and saw her, going to tell his leader what had happened.

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