Chapter 11

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Dickhead whirled around to face me. "It was one of your people," he snarled. The three men looked over at me uncertainly and I could see that they were beginning to side with dickhead.

"Why would my people even do this?" I retorted and resisted the urge to have my arm whip out and slap him across the face. Even though my left hand wasn't the strongest that didn't mean that I couldn't pack in a good punch, let alone a good slap. 

"Maybe you guys got tired of following our rules here and just wanted to take over!" 

I couldn't contain the short giggle that escaped me then. Did he even realize how ridiculous he was sounding? I could see that he other men were beginning to see that Dickhead had no actual solid facts to prove his point. "Look, this is the only place we have right now. We've been out in the world and we know what it's like. This is as best as it can fucking get. Why would we want to ruin that? AND there are way more of your people here than mine. My group is nothing compared to this one."

"She's right." one of the men muttered and began to walk slowly back to the body.

I locked gazes with the British guy for what seemed like an eternity and then he shook his head. "You are not going to win this." He angrily stomped away but not before he spat at my feet. 

"What's his problem?" I laughed uneasily. 

The man who had spoken up before looked back at me as the others went closer to the body. "Alec is just like that, he doesn't mean anything by it. He's the only British guy here. I guess he just gets lonely." To me that made no sense what so ever. So the British guy was just, lonely? 

"Well why does he love to pick on me so much?" I asked curiously.

"Who knows," the guy said with a shrug.

I looked over at the dead body on the floor and noticed how the blood was beginning to dry on his skin. He was pale and his eyes were unseeing. His face, frozen in terror. I walked closer and stared down at him. Why is it that we hadn't even heard him scream? His eyebrow twitched, or was I imagining it? Just then we began to hear the low groans and the zombies arm shot up and went for my leg. The zombie arms gripped my leg and then it's eyes looked into mine. I clumsily went for the gun at my side. I cursed under my breath and then held the zombie back down with my  other leg. I bet I looked retarded in this position. But hello, I had no other arm to work with.

 I aimed the gun with my left hand, then fired. 


I crawled into bed that night with the face of that young kid engraved in my mind. Questions began to plague me. How had the zombie gotten into the camp? Why exactly did they bring it into the camp? Why did Alec dislike me so much? Whose pendant was Wyatt wearing? I sighed and then rolled over to my side, missing Roberts warmth. They hadn't allowed us to sleep together in the same room. Those were the rules.

He said he was going to try and apply for a room. Apply for a room! Ha, I never thought we'd be saying something like that. Something that seemed like it was some what normal. 

Tonight, I didn't want to dream. As I closed my yes, that's all I wished for. A night where I had no nightmares.

My eyes flew open and then I flinched when I saw the sunlight streaming in through the window. What was it that had woken me? A sound maybe? I instinctively grabbed a weapon near me and got off of the bed slowly. I heard the noise again and realized it was the sound of a horse. Crossbone. I jogged over to one of the windows and looked out over the town hall. In the center of the town there was a group of horses, among them was Crossbone. I smiled and then realized that she was being difficult.

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