Chapter 1

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I kissed Robert lightly and he hugged me tightly. Then I hugged my brothers and messed around with Andy's hair. This was the first time I had ever let him go out with the guys. He was starting to grow up, I could see that. But to me, he was still my little Andy. Robert looked over at me and tilted his head to the side with serious eyes. That meant there was something bothering him and that he wanted to talk about it. Alone. I nodded and then gave him the sign to wait up a bit, I had to hear the report.

"What did you guys find?" I asked Stephen. He looked over at Rick and nodded his head.

"The drive over there is going to take longer than planned. Some of the roads we had planned on taking are like completely blocked. There are cars everywhere dude, we can't get through that. We are going to have to go like completely around the avoid those areas. I could hear the groaning and there are alot of zombies stuck in that area." Rick reported thoughtfully. "We could drive back a bit, I believe there is a freeway that will take us past the worst parts." 

I nodded and was about to reply when Stephen cut me off. He turned to Oscar and asked "Do we even have enough gas for that trip? We might need to see if we can try that gas station we passed. I know we said it was risky but we need all the gas we can possibly get." 

I felt kind of hurt. They were deciding on things without me. It was almost like I wasn't even here. Andy walked away slowly, he knew that once we started talking about things like this he wouldn't have a say in anything. One day though, he would be able to give his opinion. Oscar surprised me by turning to me and then he asked "what do you think we should do?" I smiled and forgot all about my worries, we worked as a team. That was how he survived this and even though sometimes it seemed like my brothers left me out of the loop they didn't do it on purpose. I noticed Robert fidgeting out of the corner of my eye. He was beginning to get impatient, I had to make this decision quick.

"Why would the gas station be a risky choice though?" I asked curiously. Before I made any decisions I had the know the basic facts. 

"There were alot of zombies in that area." Stephen stated bluntly. 

"Well, if we need gas then we have to take the risk. Have Rick and Sam go in with the bells and lure the zombies out. Then when they come out we take them down with the M16's and quickly get the gas and leave, before any other zombies show up. You know that once we fire those shots, we are going to have zombies on our asses." I replied quickly and matter of fact. Rick just smirked and shook his head. Stephen and Oscar looked like they had just been hit by a hammer.

"Well when you say it like that." Oscar mumbled and then we all laughed.

"But then there might not even be any gas left there." Stephen added thoughtfully.

Crap. I hadn't thought about that. Stephen was always the one to point out what I forgot.

"We have to take the risk though." Rick added and then I smiled over at him gratefully. 

"So it's settled, we try that place tomorrow?" Oscar said but said it like a question. We just nodded and then I walked off to the side so that way I could finally talk to Robert.

"What's going on?" I finally asked him. 

"Rick." was all he said and I knew that Robert was probably going to say something about him being something unnatural. 

"what about him?" I asked Robert while slightly playing with my nails.

"He said he sniffed some humans. His eyes turned all weird, you know like when we gets hungry? Yeah well then they just turned back to his normal and he said that the human scent had just vanished. There are more humans out there. We aren't the only ones. He didn't want to tell Stephen and Oscar because he thought they'd judge him. I was the only one who saw his eyes change. I just wanted to tell you."

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