Chapter 3

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Steve (captain america)'s pov

"Everyone clear on what to do?" I asked through the ear piece.

'Crystal Cap.' Tony replied.

"Good, now Thor, Bruce. You're with me." I say as I grab my shield, "S.H.I.E.L.D. agents reported him to be seen at the graveyard again."

"Great! Now who are we supposed to fight again?" Thor asked.

"Were you paying attention at all Thor?" Bruce asked.

"Nay, I was thinking i had misheard the name of who we go to capture." Thor said.

I sigh,'Thor can be a handful at times.'

"The person who Director Fury wants detained is Perseus Jackson." Natasha said as she stepped from where ever she had been.

Thor's eyes grew large and then exclaimed,"By Odin's beard, I had hoped i had heard wrong!"

"Whats wrong Thor?" I asked.

"If we are to try to capture who I think we are, then as Stark would say, 'we are screwed.'"

"Why should we be afraid of that kid?" Clint said as he stepped next to Natasha.

Natasha looked at clint,"Clint, remember what director Fury said the photo was 7 years old. While I highly doubt we should be afraid of him. We don't know how much of a real threat he posses.

"Nay friends, he is no threat to friends, but...," Thor shuddered,"to those who try to harm the people he cares about and whom he calls friend are better off losing all their limbs and hung to dry than face him."

We were all looking at him, Stark had joined us, but only cause he was feeling left out.

"Well... then I guess Natasha should go and seduce him." Tony said.

"Fuck you Stark, my threat from earlier is still in effect." Natasha growled.

Tony paled and quieted.

"Nay Stark I would advise against that as well. I can't say much since it be not my secret to share, but he has lost someone he cares for deeply. I do not think he has gotten over it."Thor said sadly.

"Since you seem to know about him then Thor you talk to him." I said.

His eyes went wide, then he nodded,"Pray then my friends, for if a battle breaks out, may the odds be ever in our favor."

"If blonde is talking like that we should probably all be present." Stark said.

"If we do that, we had best not go with any weapons," Thor said,"If I'm right, he wouldn't fight an warrior unarmed."

I nodded,"Alright Thor, we do this your way. Oh and Tony shouldn't you be making sure he hasn't left yet."

Tony face palmed and equipped his suit and flew off.

5 minutes later-

'Yeah he's stil-'

"Tony! Tony!" I yelled, but all i could here was water and lots of it. "Avengers assemble and move out!"

Tony pov

"Yeah he's stil-" I was interrupted as a hand made of water and pinned me to the ground as it turned to ice.

"Who are you and why are you stalking me?" percy said with a glare.

I shivered at the look in his eye," First off kid-" "I'm not exactly a kid." percy interupted.

"Whatever,"the hand tightened it's grip and my suit creaked alarming me as cracks formed,"alright look, I'm powering down the suit, without it I'm just a man with a battery pack heart."

The ice lessoned its grip and my armor retracted into a pack. "I'll ask again, who are you and why were you staking me?" percy asked in a calm but very deadly voice.


I couldn't wait to finally meet the greek demigod. His stories had leaked through the nine realms. The feats and hardships he has overcome are an inspiration to many.

Truthfully i was not as surprised as everyone else to see stark trapped by a giant icy hand.

"Thor should we-" "Nay, Bruce, let me talk to him." Thor assured and rushed toward where Percy and Stark were, followed by the rest of the Avengers.

Tony looked to us and said, "About time you all got here."

Percy pov

"About time you got here." Tony said and I turned and saw a group of people rushed to us.

I glared at the group realizing there was a god among their group. So faster than they could react the water in the air started to thicken, making it almost impossible for the group to move.

I saw the scientist looking one scrunch up his face in concentration, then suddenly started to enlarge, turn green, and get really really buff.

"Just to warn you now," Tony said,"Hulk is not an opponent you can win against. So just surrender."

I really hated using this move in fights, but they aren't really leaving me with a choice. I scowl at Tony then say to the big green monster,"Sorry for whats about to happen."

"What puny man speaking about?" Hulk grunted confused.

I raised my hand and pointed at hulk, the blonde god eyes went wide,"Wait Perseus-" I flinched at my name.

"Its Percy." I growled.

"Percy we only came to bring you to the mortal Nick Fury. He only wishes to speak with you. I know that you wish to stay hidden because of the price you paid, but I wish for my comrades to come out of this unscathed."

My eye twitched and I sighed,'what am I doing, if i act this way I'm no better than the monsters and other enemies I've faced. This wouldn't be how Annabeth would want me to act' I think to myself.

"Alright fine, but only cause if I caused a bigger ruckus the gods would-"

I was surrounded in a blast of golden light and found myself in a... well I don't know what to call it. Any way what i did know was that I stood in front of the Fates.

"Perseus Jackson... You're a hard demigod to track," the 3 fates said at the same time,"but now there's nowhere left to hide."

They let out a creepy, set your teeth on edge, and hair raising cackle.

Srry for the wait, my wattpad app had some problems and wouldn't let me update. Again, I'm srry, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and/or leave a comment. Appreciate any criticism.

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