Chapter 1

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I have been hiding from both Olympians and dimi-gods alike for two years. Strangely, I did make an ally I never thought to make.

It happened on a dark night, I saw a kid bent over in agony. A kid I knew well, Nico Di Angelo, I had thought he had died during the Giant War.

I quickly ran over to help, "Nico whats wrong? Come on speak to me Deathbreath." There was a spark in his eye.

"P-Percy?" he asked.

"Yeah man its me, now what happened?" i ask.

"Was hunting a lead on monster that poisoned Annabeth. Found a monster, but not one i had expected, the manticore. It poisoned me when my guard was down." Nico said and gasped.

"Hold on buddy i gotcha." I say.

Over these past two years I have explored my powers and found one that could not only kill but heal as well.

I held my hand over Nico as i felt the familiar pull in my gut, i felt the water in his body and willed it to push out the poison. 'I wish i discovered this trick when Annabeth needed me most.' I thought sadly.

In seconds a vile green liqued started pouring from a wound on his leg. It was a good two minutes, a very long two minutes. Once i confirmed he had no poison left in him, i turned some water vapor into a thread and knit his skin together.

"Thanks Percy." He said.

"No problem, now rest," I said as he closed his eyes. When he was asleep I stood up and said,"Come out Hades I know you're there."

The shadows rippled and parted as the God of the underworld stepped out of them. We stood there in an awkward silence before Hades said, "Thank you Percy for saving my son."

"Nico is a friend and like a brother, there is almost nothing I wouldn't do for him, besides going to camp." I reply.

Hades nodded and said,"However, since you saved my son, I do three things. One is to tell you Annabeth Chase is in Elysium. Two is beware the Fates, they are plotting something. Three the shadows will help you as my blessing."

I stood there shocked, before I said, "Thank you."

"No, thank you for saving my only son. The third gift i have you is to help spite my brothers and sisters from finding you." He said as he laughed and disappeared into the shadows holding a still asleep Nico.

'Thats the Hades we all know and love.' I thought.

New Purpose (a percy jackson x avenger fanfic)*Hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now