Chapter Twenty

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Arion sighed as I rode him into the yard, finally finished with the day's work. With summer drawing to a close, the ranch had suddenly exploded with more activity. Cattle had been brought in from the pastures to be sorted, which resulted in days like today. I had settled into the saddle before the sun had even rose, and now long shadows were stretching across the ground to chase us back to bed. Tomorrow, we would have to cut the cattle to find the ones Boss wanted to sell, as well as any of the horses we'd trained. I knew Boss would sell at least twenty of the young geldings, and with the easy way that all the ranch horses handled, I had no doubt that he'd make a pretty penny.

I dismounted with a groan, my legs complaining. I gritted my teeth, and walked my horse into the barn, stopping him next to his stall. As I stretched my arms over my head, Ronnie strutted by. "Hey, Gorgeous," he called before moseying off, whistling a merry tune. Ever since he'd gotten off the hook, he'd made a habit of making his presence known. It was salt in a gaping wound. Not only had he gotten away with almost forcing himself on me, he was allowed to wander the property as he pleased, not worried about Boss keeping an eye on him.

As if he sensed my unease, Arion turned his blue head to look at me, whuffling softly. "I know I shouldn't let him get to me, Boy," I murmured as I stroked his long muzzle. "It's just hard to deal with." I unclipped his bridle , easing it over his ears before holding it away. "Release," I commanded, and the gelding let his bit slip from between his teeth. I rubbed his neck in approval, and took the bridle to the tack room before returning for the saddle.

My fingers struggled with the leather girth, which had been soaked with sweat and had tightened throughout the day. As I clenched my teeth and sighed in exasperation, I felt someone come up behind me. His arms reached around me, and his deft fingers loosened the leather in a matter of moments. I huffed in indignation. "I can do this myself," I growled, the tiredness of the day getting to me.

He only chuckled in response, and his arms wrapped around me for a brief hug. "I know you can," Dune replied, his breath tickling my ear. "But I wanted to do it for you." I leaned into him the slightest bit, and I could feel his smile through his cheek on mine. "You haven't had a nightmare recently."

I nodded, smiling to myself as I unwound the cinch from the girth, then recollected the cinch to keep it from dragging. "Both of us have been sleeping better," I commented. After the first few nights of sleeping with Dune, I hadn't had any more nightmares. Whether it was because Dune was waking me before they got so bad that I remembered, or I simply felt safer with him, I never woke up screaming in the middle of the night. It was progress.

Dune pulled away from me, and the absence of his warmth at my back sent shivers down my spine. I hid the blush that was seeping into my cheeks as Joe stepped up, smiling. "How goes it?" He asked.

I disconnected the back cinch, then slid around Arion's rump to secure everything before I hefted the equipment off of his back. "It's hot out there," I commented, the work giving an excuse for any red on my face. Dune shot a small grin in my direction, and I turned to the tack room. Both of them tailed me, Joe debating with Dune on some of the horses he thought Boss would let go. "That buckskin is too skittish for working everyday," He said as I hung the saddle on its stand, draping the sopping blanket over a rail to dry overnight. "He spooks anytime a cow so much as sneezes."

Dune shrugged. "I think he's young," he replied, following me as I returned to Arion and began grooming. "If Boss keeps him, he'll settle down soon enough."

Their dispute was interrupted by the dinner triangle Cook kept outside of the mess hall, its clanging reminding me of how hungry I was. "Suppertime!" Joe chimed before darting down the aisle, joining the other hands. "I'll hold your seats!"

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