Chapter Twelve

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The wind blew in the scent of rain and fire as the thunder clouds rolled in. Even from a distance, the lightning could be seen streaking across the sky in red flashes that demanded your attention, wrenching your eyes to the black clouds as they lit up with electricity. Dust flew ahead in the micro bursts, coming in towers fifteen feet high as they fled the oncoming storm.

Arion pranced nervously, tossing his head against the bit. I held him easily, but his energy raced down the reins into my hands, and I felt the same excitement with such a powerful storm's approach. Back home, we'd only had a storm like this once, and Dad had told me about it tearing apart rooftops and scattering furniture miles from the house it was blown from. I shivered.

Ronnie rode up alongside, Buzz even more frantic than Arion. "What do you think of it, Sweetheart?" he asked with his canine smile.

I glared back with a smile. "It's more powerful than any of us," I replied, "but you could easily match its temper."

He pushed Buzz close to Arion, leaning towards my face. "I think we could match its power," he cooed, his eyes flashing with intent. "Race you back to my bunkhouse."

Thankfully, Snipe rode up at that moment. "Grand, get outta Klintson's face and get back to your job! We need to get these cattle in before the squall hits."

Ronnie, with a final wink at me, wheeled his horse around and headed for the tail of the herd. The cattle lowed at the rider, bellowing complaint as they were forced to their feet instead of left on the ground. Butch, Hasty and Zane, along with another rider, kept the animals close as they headed for the heavily wooded section of pasture. Within the trees was a rock face that could block most of the wind.

Snipe yelled over the howling wind. "Rylie, your job is to watch out for Casey over there." He nodded toward the rider I hadn't recognized, who was turning some calves back into the herd. "He's doing a great job, but Jack is keeping an eye on him. He's been weaving in and out of his cows, and I'm worried he'll make a move. So I want you to watch Casey, and give him advice. If Jack gets close, get his attention."

I nodded, a little nervous yet willing to do the job. I shouldn't have worried, though; we got to the rock face in easy time. Jack was certainly a little apprehensive about the new worker. But Arion gave me hints on what the old bull was thinking, and at times I could tell Casey to back off.

The cattle looked relieved as they stepped behind the protective rock wall that blocked the fierce wind. Even Jack took notice, strutting about loosely and checking on the calves. We gave the herd time alone, riding a couple meters away and unsaddling our horses. Then we climbed underneath an overhang, and soon horses and riders alike were sheltered from the rain.

Butch got a healthy fire burning, and Casey put on a pot of beans to munch on as we waited out the storm. Hasty and Snipe both checked all the horses' bridles and saddles for rain water. Zane handed out bed rolls to relax on, and I swiped the horses a couple times with a brush. Ronnie was the only one who didn't contribute, stretching out and sharpening his knife blade.

Finally, we all settled around the fire, eyes on Casey as he stirred the brown mixture simmering in the battered pot. Snipe, his head pillowed on his saddle, suddenly broke the silence. "Well, Klintson,"" he drawled, "you've been here almost three months. What do you think?"

The question took me a little by surprise, and I felt my cheeks turn pink as everyone turned to face me. "Um...I mean, it's tough sometimes, but I think I could stick with it."

Hasty cocked his head. "But surely this isn't all you planned to do with your life?"

I shrugged, becoming uneasy with the questions. "I really wanted to become an architect," I started. "I love the southern mansions, and plantation houses." For a moment, I felt the warm feeling I used to get when I thought of the drafting boards, and I lost myself in the memories. I wanted to design more houses like that, maybe combine that style with something else. But a flash of lightning seemed to bring with it harsh memories,and my focus returned to the fire as thunder rumbled above us. "But I didn't make the school, so I turned to other things."

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