Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I'm going to update more often from now on.


The next morning I slept and when I woke up I stayed in bed for another three hours. I didn't bother getting up or saying goodbye to my dad. He didn't care anyways. I laid in bed thinking, wondering, doubting about life and dad and everything in between when I was suddenly brought out of my haze by a familiar robotic voice.

"Miss Stark, my reports show you have been awake in bed for five hours now. I would suggest getting up soon." Jarvis said in his usual tone. Normally I would listen to him but today I just wasn't feeling up for it.

"Leave me alone Jarvis. " I mumbled as I pulled the covers over my head. I don't know what is was but I felt dull, if not slightly hurt and guilty. Hurt because of the words my father said to me last night and yet somehow still guilty for not saying goodbye. I know he's always returned safe from these things and always tells me not to worry but I do. I worry because I don't know if it will be last time I see him or not. He's usually safe or lucky or whatever but what if this time he's run out of luck? I would feel absolutely crushed the rest of my life no matter what he said or had done. What if he gets hurt? Or worse what if he-

'Stop' I told myself angrily.

'He'll be fine. He's gonna come home and be his annoying, mean self and I will just feel even stupider for worrying so much' I repeatedly told myself. I rolled back on my side and started to close my eyes before

"Miss Stark. I have informed Miss Potts about your predicament and she is on her way up." I groaned.

"Why are you trying to ruin my day Jarvis? I'm just tired." I yelled.

"But my reports stat-" he started before I cut him off.

"I don't care what your reports state!" I screamed at our robotic butler. When I didn't hear a reply from Jarvis I rolled back over to see Pepper standing at the doorway of my room with a sympathetic look on her face.

I sighed. I wasn't looking forward to this conversation.

"You know your dad's going to be alright? He always is. He won't let anything happen to himself or you." she said matter of factly.

I rolled my eyes and rolled back over so I wasn't facing her anymore.

I didn't want to deal with this shit now.

"Jess?" She asked quietly.

"Just leave me alone pepper. I know my dad will be fine, I just don't feel okay. All I want to do is lye in bed and cry and... and just leave me alone." I said quietly as tears gathered in my eyes.

Pepper placed her hand on my shoulder before responding

"Your dad will be just fine things are going to get better Jess I promise. "

She removed her arm and started walking out but stopped and turned back around

"Get up soon, I'll make pancakes"

Then I was all alone in my room again and as pleasing as pancakes sounded it wasn't enough to make me get up.


Well there you go chapter 4 next update soon

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