fifteen; jasmine

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     Natsu was out of it for a few hours; he'd been awake through the night, unable to be by his girlfriend's side. The reason it'd been that way was that she'd gotten angry and yelled at him to get out, because it was 'his fault she was in so much pain.' The doctor told him, dejected tone and all, that it was probably a good decision to listen to the lady.

     The man with the pink hair paced. What else could he do to burn off his excitement? He was hungry, but he'd left his change at the house. His eyes wavered away from the vending machine, and he tried to think of something else. 

     A man, probably an orderly or nurse, stepped into the otherwise empty waiting room. His scrubs, a toffee color, made him almost blend into the plush carpeting that Natsu had ruined with his muddy boots. He hoped the guy wasn't there to point it out, but noting his stern expression, he doubted it.

     Only then did he notice the small, crying bundle of blankets in the nurse's arms. How blind was he?

     "Sir," the attendee cleared his throat when Natsu floundered over to the child. His voice was soft. "This is your daughter. I'm guessing that you'd like to hold her?"

     "Hell yeah!" Natsu exclaimed, but quieted down once he realized it made the baby cry harder. Gingerly, he took hold of the child and cradled her in his arms.

     The little girl resembled other babies, but he could mark what made her their own. Her eyes were already starting to flood with dark melanin, even though it was too soon to tell what color her eyes would be. Her hair, which was as dark as her mother's, was short and stuck up at odd angles because of the water.

     Even with a scrunchy face and her tears, she was the most beautiful child he'd ever met.

     "Hey, girlie," he cooed and kissed her forehead. Natsu had never felt so in awe before. He and the love of his life had created a new one, and it was right there in his arms. "How're you liking breathing and stuff?"

     Despite himself, the attendant chuckled a bit. "In all my life, I haven't heard someone ask that to their baby. Thinking of a name, yet?" He wielded a clipboard and pen. 

     Natsu faltered. "Can I ask my girlfriend?" He asked.

     The nurse's face sank, and his cheeks turned pink, just as they were when he'd entered. "Sir."

     "Yeah?" Natsu adjusted his daughter and could, very faintly, smell Izumi's jasmine perfume. 

     "I'm so sorry for your loss."

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