one; carnation

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     The first thing Natsu Dragneel noticed about that day wasn't the weather; in fact, it was the vibrancy of the colors he encountered because of it. 

     He wasn't one for paying attention to such details, but they captivated him for no apparent reason. How, he wondered, and why, did they protrude themselves in such a bright manner?

     Quite frankly, the dragon slayer didn't even know his destination until he spotted a row of shops and boutiques that stretched off into a large roundabout that he hadn't known existed until that moment. 

     "I wonder if there's food," the man muttered aloud, but to his dismay, the buildings weren't as entertaining as that. Nonetheless, he still paced across the pavement in his search to find entertainment.

     Since he'd grown up some more, Natsu tended to spend more time doing things outside of the guild; they often weren't productive but leaned more towards past times instead. Not that it bothered him either way, because he enjoyed lazing around Magnolia.

     Then, a musical whistle caught his ear. Out of curiosity, the mage turned on his heels and spotted a woman no more than five foot five slip into one of the boutiques. Upon closer inspection, he discovered it to be a flower shop, or whatever it was called, as he couldn't recall the proper name.

     Natsu sped to the door and glided inside just as the door started to shut. He applauded himself—in his mind, of course—for such quick footwork. 

     His eyes flickered to his surroundings. The florist shop was, of course, decorated with floral stickers and the emerald countertop displayed an abundance of exotic flowers he had never seen before. Without meaning to, he let his mouth drop a tad.

     "Sir?" A voice piped up curiously. "Are you looking for something?"

     Natsu broke out of his daze and looked, this time, to the woman behind the counter. She was the same one he had heard just seconds prior, and her appearance matched her voice well. Her black hair was pulled into a hasty ponytail, and he figured it was for working.

     "Er," he thought aloud. The raven-haired woman cocked an eyebrow and sent him a stare with her dark forest-green eyes. At the first moment, he didn't find her very impressive, but he got used to the unique pair of colors and decided it was a cute combination. 

     The girl, who he'd assumed was the florist of the building, snapped her fingers. "Are you here to buy? Sorry, we don't sell drugs."

     Natsu felt his face flush. "Sorry," he approached the counter. "I'm just looking around."

     "Got a special someone you want a bouquet for?" She asked. Natsu read her name tag, where the name Izumi had been scrawled down in large, sharp letters.

     "No," he responded. He couldn't peel his eyes from the name tag.

     "Hey," Izumi tapped his shoulder. "If you're not buying, you need to beat it."

     Natsu had to resist laughing at the innuendo, whether or not it was intentional. "Okay, chillax. You were just cute, and I'm bored, so I came in."

     The florist faltered and averted her eyes. "Thanks," she stuttered. "Now buy something, or get out."

     The dragon slayer couldn't help but be entertained by the entire scenario; no woman had been flustered by his comments since long before Lucy and Loki had gotten married. He missed having his attention being taken in such a way. 

     "I guess I'll just go then," he huffed, turned, and went to leave.

Falling For The Florist [Natsu Dragneel] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now