Chapter 44: Do You

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Chapter 44

Do You

"Come on you two." I instructed as I tugged both of the girls' hands so they could cross the street with me.

They moved their little feet quickly as I did the same so we could get across before the light changed. Once we hit the side walk we began to walk towards the kids dentistry building that I was taking Em to this afternoon. It was her dentist appointment and since Adonis' Aunt had brought them back yesterday, I had to have Isa tag along with me since Adonis still wasn't back from his trip to Duke. The girls walked single file into the office as I held the door open for them. Once we got inside they both raced for the section off in the corner filled with toys and books for kids. I let them be as I went to check Emery in for the day.

The secretary smiled at me and gestured towards the seats behind me in the waiting area. I slowly walked over and took my seat closest to the door before pulling my phone out. There was a text from Loren and another from my guidance counselor about needing to see me so we could talk about college. As much as I'd love to talk to her about the festivities of a university it's borderline pointless. I know what I'm going to do and going to a university is not an option. I will attend the community college and do online classes. As long as I have Emery and possibly Isa, I won't have time for the whole college life, but that absolutely does not mean that I won't be getting my degree; that's a must.

I glanced over at the girls just in time to catch Isa running over to me with a sheet of paper in hand. "Look what I drew Jewels!"

"Aww are those butterflies?" I asked.

"Yup, and look," she pointed to the top of them where two stick people were standing. "Me and bubba are riding them!"

"Y'all are, aren't you guys?"

"Mmhm, can you send him a picture since he's not here to see it?" She asked.

I bit down on my lip thinking of the idea of even coming in contact with Adonis again, through the phone or in person. "Sure honey."

I opened the camera app on my phone and waited for Isa to pose. She smiled her usual wide smile and put her hand on her hip while she held up the painting. I laughed at her sassiness and took the picture as I did. Once I was done, she gladly raced over to look at it and give the approval.

"That's cute, send it to bubba please!" She smiled.

I nodded my head to let her know I'd do just that before she walked off back to where her and Emery had first resided. Once she was out of sight I closed out of the picture and went back to the home screen. I know Is wants me to send it to Adonis but I've vowed to not text him anymore. After really not receiving any messages back I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to kiss ass or continue to reach out. I've apologized and expressed where I was coming from with the rash decision to break up and still haven't received anything back so I'm done. I won't even use his sister as a pawn to get a reaction out of him.

We all sat and waited until Emery's name was called. Once it was, I stood and walked near the young Asian doctor. Her hair was slicked back into a high pony tail and she smiled brightly at us and outstretched her hand for Emery to grab. Emery did so but not before looking back at me worried. One thing Emery does not care for is the dentist. She'll tolerate it but she's definitely not fond of the machine noises or anyone being in her mouth like that.

"How are you today Emery?" The nurse asked.

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm very good, you ready to get your teeth all cleaned up today?"

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