Chapter 9: When It All Falls Down

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Chapter 9

When It All Falls Down

"I'm ready!" I yelled to Ameer.

He looked up from his phone and nodded and looked back down at it before giving me a thumbs up. "Go!"

I took off full speed to half court and then back, and all the way down the court. About fifteen of these in three minutes is the goal and I had Ameer keepin' time for me. By time I was ridin' up on the thirteenth suicide a nigga was huffin' and puffin' but non the less I put a lil moe pep in my step so I can out beat the clock. Just before I could touch the line for my final one Ameer called out for me to stop.

"Times up, nigga!" He called while he walked over to me.

I threw my hands up behind my head and walked back and forth on the base line so I could catch my breath. We've been working all morning long up here at the Y, and a nigga is worn the fuck out. Workin' how we work is no joke and the only way I can stay on top of my game even in the off season.

Ameer patted me on the back and then shoved his phone in his pocket before dribbling the basketball in front of me. "That was good shit 'Donis, you were going hard."

"Yea, but I didn't hit that last one." 

"Bruh, you might as well have, you just ain't get to touch the line."

"Exactly, so let's run it again."

"Adonis, now you--" he started to say but got cut off by my phone ringing on top of my gym bag.

I turned around and sat down beside it before grabbing my phone off the top and checking who was callin' I could see it was my dad so I answered without hesitation. He don't call me too often but when he does it scares the shit out of me because iont know what could be wrong.

I put the phone up to my ear and listened to him cough for a few seconds and then him take a deep breath. "Adonis?"

"Yea, pops, you alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine," he answered before coughing again. "When you gonna be home again?"

"I was planing to stay out here for another half hour but I can leave now."

"Please, because I'm not feeling too good and don't wanna leave Isa up by herself."

"Oh yea, I'll be on my way right now."

"Alright, sorry Adonis, you know how this shit gets for me though." He apologized.

I shook my head and started to get up, bringing my bag wit' me. I know exactly how it is for him that's why I'd never catch an attitude or not drop whatever I'm doing for my pops. He's worked hard his whole life and now been struggling for the last few years, I can't even repay him for all the hard work and love he's dedicated to me and Is, but I can help him out and be home when he need me to be so ill continue doing that for him.

I told him it was all good and that I loved him before hanging up my phone patting Ameer on the back so he could follow me. He grabbed his bag and thangs up before following my lead. I hate to cut our session short and all but even Ameer know how I am when it comes to my pops and I'd drop whatever to take care of that man, the same way he did me and Isa growing up.

"He alright?" Ameer asked as I unlocked my car doors.

I nodded and through my bag in the back before climbing in at the same time as him. "Yea, he's straight. Just ain't feelin' too hot today yknow?"

"Oh iight, well can I still kick it witchu today?"

"Yea, that's straight." I nodded.

"Yo, where Egypt at, I feel like y'all ain't talked all day."

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