Chapter 29: Where do We Go From Here?

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Chapter 29

Where Do We Go From Here?

I looked over at Jewels again, who was sitting in her seat wit' her head down. We only been in here for thirty minutes and she was already gone. Hell, I had only looked away from her for five minutes and now she knocked all the way out. I tried reaching over the lil walk way with my pencil, so I could tap her and get her up. The more I tried to reach her the more it made a nigga almost fall, and once I looked up Mr.McGillan was on his way to the back, passing out papers.

I sat back in my seat and watched Mr.McGillan come to Jewels desk, he put her paper down and then placed a hand on her back. "Jewels are you okay?"

"Yea." She breathed in real hard while she sat up and wiped around her mouth. "I'm fine."

"Okay, try and stay up for me Jewels."

"Mmhm." She mumbled, while he walked away.

I looked over trynna get her attention, but she wouldn't look my way for nothing. It's been like that since last night. After I kissed Jewels she got off my lap and tried acting like it hadn't even happened, she jus' went to tend to the girls and put them to bed. I let her be because I realize that wasn't my best idea considering the nigga she was jus' fuckin' wit' broke her heart on the account of me. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself and I still can't, but I do want to apologize to her for comin' at her like that.

I tried reaching for her again, but when I almost fell out my damn chair, I stopped. And not to mention what Mr.McGillan had said 'bout some damn project where we gotta interview folks in class on a topic, and collect the data and answers we got. But after listening to instructions and being dismissed to get started, I hopped out my seat trynna make it ova to Jewels before she got too far away.

A nigga couldn't even get far befoe Egypt hopped her way in front of me. "Hey, can I interview you?"


"Adonis, I need to interview you for the project."

"And I said nah, now excuse me, thank you."

I tried side steppin' her but she grabbed my arm. "Adonis, can we talk?"

"Aye Egypt, I really don't wanna spend my time in class talkin' to you sweetheart, so step aside please."

I looked up and over her shoulder not even payin' her no damn mind anymore. She think a nigga gone really want to talk to her after the shit she been pullin'? Smacked me, bein' all extra and rollin' up on Jewels like that. I ain't wit' none of it and I'm glad she startin' to show her real colors to me because it's making me not wanna go back down that route and it leaves me to keep my focus on myself, Isa and someone who cares just as much about me as I do her.

She sucked her teeth but I jus' walked off and headed for Jewels. When I got to her, someone was just leavin' from talkin' to her and her back was facing me, givin' her no chance to run away from me again. She turned around and when she did she jumped a bit, makin' me laugh a lil at how easily her ass get scared, but my smile dropped when she tried walkin' away from me again.

"Jewels," I called, while grabbin' her and pullin' her back to me. "Stop running from me."

"Adonis I'm just trynna do my work."

"Aye, Mr.McGillan!" I called out. He looked over at me and raised his eyebrows, lettin' me know I had his attention. "I'm gone walk Jewels down to the nurses office, she ain't feelin' real good."

"Okay, you need a pass?"

"No sir, we should be good."

And jus' like that I pulled her right out the door with me, while she protested about how she needed to do her work, jus' some more excuses to not come out here and talk this shit out. But what I don't wanna do is scare her away when I need her the most and when I'm ready to act right, for real.

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