Kida's Dictionary

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Blood Seal: A Seal that is formed when the Jinjuriki blood is placed on the middle symbol of a Ritual Seal. This Seal can be undone, but if it is, the host body dies and the Tailed Beast is transported to another place on earth. The blood seal looks like thick veins circulating the intended area sprouting from the host's personal symbol.

Brontide Clan-the low distant sound of thunder. The Brontide, also known as the Lightning Tribe have lightning chakra and believe life cannot be controlled but simply guided.

▪️lightning Chakra located in the legs

Chakra Pressure: is the physical force that a person's chakra creates when released. Most Ninja , and Cynefin can manipulate the release of their chakra. However when a person's chakra force is uncontrolled or to great to contain it spills out.

Chakra Tracker: The Chakra Tracker was developed by medical ninja and cynefin to track chakra natures in the body. This device is used for people with low or Contradictory Chakras(See Contradictory Chakra Natures) so the user can keep their chakra balanced and stable.

Complementary Chakra Natures: When one chakra nature either the sub or main, helps increase the power of the other. Examples include Light and Water, Air and Fire, Shadow and Earth.

Contradictory Chakra Natures: Having contradictory Chakra Natures is nearly impossible because it's like having a war going on within your own body. The main Chakra nature and the Sub-Chakra Nature harm each other, doing damage, and can eventually kill the body. However, if properly balanced they can be a power house and open up a wide range of Justus. Examples include Water and lightning, Life and Fire, Shadow and Light.

Death Seal: A seal that involves the sealer to sacrifice their life. This seal is the safest for a jinjuriki as long as their chakra natures are a match. This seal can never be undone and when the jinjuriki dies, the beast will die with it. The seal appears as swirled circles in the area of the body where the chakra is the strongest.

Earth Seal: A type of seal that uses symbols that are drawn onto the ground. This is done by both the ninja and the Cynefin(see Eclipse Village people). Though this seal is un-harmful to the sealers, it is not that strong, and can easily be broken by an outside force.

Eclipse Village people: Cynefin-A place a person feels it ought to live and belong. The Cynefin people believe that sealing the Tailed Beasts inside of people is safer than sealing them into the ground. Because of this the Ninja villages don't get along with them well.

Haysasho: Much like a jinjuriki as it is when someone has a chakra beast sealed inside them. However, haysho's beast are chakra beasts created by nature unlike the jinjuriki's tailed chakra beasts that were created by the ancients. Haysasho beasts tend to be weaker than Tailed Beasts however they are still very dangerous to both the host body and others.

Kekkei genkai: A technique limited to inheritance by blood these abilities are passed down genetically within specific clans. It's possible for a shinobi to have more than one of these abilities. Example include the Saringon of the Uchiha clan.

Komorebi Clan-sunlight that filters through trees. The Komorni people, also known as the Light Tribe, is a Cynefin Noble clan. They have light chakra and believe that there cannot be darkness without light, and therefore, light is not entirely pure. Because of this the only way to achieve enlightenment is through balance.

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