Chapter 16

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       I stare at the new couple in alarm, utterly unhappy with this new development in my non-existent love life. Why did Josh have to go and ask her out? Selena is looking at me worriedly, but I barely notice, all my concentration draining into space, all that is left of it focused on Holly.

       Holly, who is now smirking at me.

       I hate her, my mind claims. But the other parts of my mind say no, I do not hate this thing. I merely dislike her. I scowl, and listen to the fomer, the part that says I hate her.

       Josh, indifferent to my unhappy self is now grinning at the table like he just got voted student body president.

       "Wow, 2 couples in one day!" Josh announces, and Aidan looks up.

       "One happier then the other," Aidan mumbles, suddenly interested in his pasta.

       Josh furrows his eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

       Aidan shrugs like his comment had no meaning, but everyone except Josh and possibly Holly know exactly what he is talking about.

        3 things. 1, that Holly is a brat and doesn't deserve him, 2 that they are obviously not meant to be together, and 3, me.

       Me. I feel a few pairs of eyes swivel to me, and I feel myself blush. But, thankfully, yet not-so-thankfully, Josh and Holly don't notice, to busy flirting with each-other.

       Selena glares at the couple. "Could you 2 love birds pay attention to us other people?" Her sarcasm on the love birds does not go unnoticed, and Josh frowns once again, clearly thinking the world was against him on his new relationship.

       And in a way, it was. Our whole table was uneasy about their relationship, and even Holly's supposed best friend was against it. Kelly was staring daggers at the couples back, envious. Whenever Holly turned even slightly towards her though, she would quickly rearrange her expression to a congratulatory one, like she was happy for her.

       Goodness, the things Holly's followers do and say behind her back, without Holly suspecting the tiniest tidbit of their secret dislike for her.

       And, once again, I feel somewhat sorry for her, which makes no sense. It's her fault that she doesn't have any faithful friends that truly like her. But it's not her fault about her mom. Why do I have to go and feel bad for her? She's done so many bad things to me. And yet...

       I block out my too compassionate part of my brain, and pay attention to the one that only has dislike and, more strongly, hatred for Holly. Even in this part of my mind hatred is way to strong of a word.

       My mind can be way too uncooperative sometimes.


       I enter English class, wary, because I sit next to the ever evil Holly. The boring white class room strongly contrasts to my vivid, colorful, and mixed-up feelings.

       I sit down in the plastic blue chair, the kind you find at your local barbershop/salon for people to wait uncomfortably in.

       I glare at the brunette beside me, who just flips her dyed locks over her shoulder, not even giving me the time of day. The nerve of the girl, taking my best friend and crush. I continue to glare at her. She shift nervously, probably wondering what was going on in my head. Was I thinking evil thoughts of her?

       And she's not the only person at this table to be thinking that. In my own mind, I'm asking the same question. Am I? The part that feels sorry is taking over too much territory, not letting my thoughts of hate come through clearly to me. My stupid mind! At least it's smarter then Holly's.

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