Chapter 11

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       The next morning I see Kelly hanging out with Holly. At first I was worried they were picking on her, but now I see that Kelly and them are laughing. What is she doing?

       Kelly spots me and gives me the smirk I've seen regularly on Holly's face. What the heck? She leans in and whispers something to Holly, and Holly also looks towards me, gloating. What in the world is happening?

        But I think I'll know soon enough. They're walking towards me, and I watch them come closer with growing apprehension.

       Holly speaks up first when they arrive. "Hey Christine, meet my new best friend Kelly," she says, breaking the bomb right away.

        Wait what? Did she just say what I think she did? Oh my gosh, she did. My jaw drops, I'm completley stunned. How could Kelly do this? I knew she was slipping away, but to Holly?

       Kelly has a smug look on her face. "I see your surprised, Christine. Just because your so much of a loser doesn't mean I have to be, too. Some people in this world can rise up, and I'm one of them. You've always held me back, keeping me a loser. But now you see I broke away and became what I should be. One word. Popular."

        I'm still too stunned to speak, and Holly takes advantage of my state. "Thought you had a nice obedient friend didn't you? But you were wrong. Kelly has finally became what you, her former friend prevented her from being. Kelly was never meant to be a loser. She was meant to be with me, a popular person. Lisa on the other hand was not. She was always meant to be a loser, but I was too much of a kind person to see that. I tried to make her popular, but you see, people always end up what they're supposed to be. It surprised me yesterday when I saw Kelly, after our little scene in the hallway, because I, unlike you, saw the full potential of her. And so I befriended her, the poor girl who was held back all these years by her so called best friend."

        I choose to ignore Holly, and turn to Kelly, hoping this was some elaborate joke and that its not true. But all I see in Kelly's eyes is evilness. She has already became a Holly, full only of evil and hatred. There's not a hint of the old her left, there is no remorse over leaving me.

        I can't take it anyway. The fight or flight instinct has kicked in, and I choose to flee. I don't know how to fight with Kelly. Holly, yes, but Kelly, my former BFF? No.

       I turn on my heel, trying to make the most regal escape possible. I stalk out, saddened but also boiling mad at what the two have accused me of. My attempt to make it regal though seems to fail, judging upon the evil Holly laughs following my fleeing.

       When out of the main area where the confronted me, I quicken my steps, and run straight into Selena. She looks at me, deeply concerned. "Oh my gosh Christy what happened? You look like your stunned, and hurt, and angry, all rolled into one!"

       "The only thing I've been stung by are the twin queen bees," I bitterly say. "Yeah, two queen bees. Holly, and my very former best friend."

       Selena gasps at my announcement, taken aback. "What? Kelly and Holly? You mean as, like friends?"

       "Yeah, as in best friends. As in Kelly just completely ditched us for Holly." I stomp the ground like I'm a little girl still, throwing a tantrum. But I have good reason to; how could the girl I've been BFFs with for years suddenly just break off like that, choosing popular and evil over nice and average. Because no matter what Holly may tell me I know I'm not a loser, not even in terms of middle school. Nobody here thinks I'm a loser, not even Holly. Holly sees me as a threat to Josh, and that must mean I'm not a loser.

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