Chapter 7

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       Yeah, right. As if. Not much she can do, other then use her status as most popular girl in the 7th grade, and spread rumors about me, and bring me down every chance she gets. And turn all her followers against me.

       Okay, so yeah, maybe she can do quite a bit.

       At least I have Selena and Kelly by me.

       The bell rings, and I rush out of class, not wanting another confrontation with Holly right now. Or any time, for that matter.

       Suddenly my stuff goes flying, and I ram right into a muscular body. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I reach down to pick up my stuff, and grab it at the same time the other person does. I look up, to find myself staring in familiar hazel eyes.

       Joshes eyes.

      "Oh, that's all right. I was just waiting for someone, I probably shouldn't have been standing right in front of the door like that. My fault." He runs his hand through his hair, and there's a hint of that crooked smile on his face.

        "Well, no its my fault too, I should've not gone so fast." I'm flustered, why? So much for not caring. Wait, he said he was waiting for someone. Was it me? Was the hottest boy ever waiting for me?

         And in a second, all my hopes are completely severed and burned, becoming minuscule dust particles in the air. Because in front of me stands Holly, squealing. "Oh I knew you'd wait for me!" Wait for her? Josh was waiting for her? "So did your friends agree to go to Dairy Queen? My friends, Mia and Lisa are ecstatic!"

       Holly and company are going to DQ with Josh, and his friends? Maybe Josh is an idiot! But his sweet soft lips, curled into the smile, are so adorable! How can such an adorable guy be an idiot? But the scene before me says otherwise; this guy agreed to her plans!

       "I'm so glad you invited us to go, it was so sweet of you!" Wait, wait, wait! Josh invited her, the queen of mean? It was his idea? And he invited her instead of me? I mean, its not like were going out or anything, but I thought he liked me! And compared to Holly, of course I'm the better choice, aren't I? Am I seriously lower then Holly according to Josh?

       Well, that settles it. I high tail it out of there, yelling some sort of excuse over my shoulder. Josh Williams is just like every other boy, maybe even worse! I am so done with him! There's still those little whispers from the back of my head, though, protesting with my newly made decision. I block them out angrily. How could he?


       Selena and Kelly are next to me, chattering, while I'm at my locker. They keep asking me questions, but I'm not very focused, so I keep giving them short, one word answers.

       You wouldn't think such an idiot could have that effect on me.

       And in my inner turmoil, I forget one little thing. Joshes locker is below mine. That little fact comes to light when I see Josh casually walking down the hall, with Holly hanging off his arm like an accessory. The brat.

       "Um guys? Could we like go now? I kinda want to go now...." But these words come out too late as Josh arrives.

       "Why do you want to go now, Christine? I was going to ask you to come to Dairy Queen with us..." Joshes voice reminds me of a whimpering puppy right now. An adorable whimpering puppy, that's almost impossible not to give into.

       And Kelly, of course, ruins my chance to escape. "Oh, hey Josh!" She flashes him her best, flirty smile, which I know for a fact she practiced all summer, just to flirt with guys. "You guys are going to DQ too? That's where we were going to go, Christy and I planned this a couple of weeks ago. But we'd love to join you guys!"

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