Chapter 23

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        I stand there, I can't move, I can barely breathe. They don't notice me, probably because I don't make a noise, I can't, I'm not capable of making any sound. I can't even hear anything, and I just keep staring at them, them intent with their kissing, Joshes kissing behind his dates back. And with me former best friend, no less.

         How could he do this to me?

         The silence disappears, instead replaced with an unfamiliar roaring sound in my ears, non stopping, constant.

         Yet I still stand there, taking in the scene, every little movement being taken in, not a single thing missed. Josh puts his hands around Kelly's head, pulling her head even closer to his, and she moves forward eagerly. I watch this, I can't turn away from the scene so horrible to my eyes. I get asked to the dance by my crush, I'm so happy to be here with him, and it all comes to this? Him kissing another girl, just minutes after kissing me, his date?

         And as this processes over and over in my mind, I see Kelly's head turn, turn towards me. And she sees me, but Josh doesn't notice her noticing me. She smiles evily at me, and takes Josh in for another kiss, purposely moving so that I have the best view possible of their lips clashing together, and Josh kissing her more, not stopping.

         I can't take anymore of this, I just can't! And I had thought that he was starting to like me! Well, I was wrong. And I was right about him being a player, only a player would kiss his date and then go off to kiss her former best friend. Only a player would kiss 2 people on the same night, not even ten minutes after the other. Only a player. And therefore, Josh is a player.

        And therefore I am right. Usually people are happy being proved to be correct, but there are times when being correct is a terrible, a horrible thing, so that you wish you were wrong, and that the other person was right. This is one of those times. To be right is to lose my crush. To be right is to have my date kiss other girls behind my back.

       To be right is to have my former best friend and my crush and date kissing here, in the hallway at me and my crushes first almost date.

       Goodness, I wish I was wrong.

       But I'm not. If I was wrong I wouldn't be stumbling away right now from them, tears running down my cheeks, streaming down, a waterfall of wet, salty tears. Soon I'm running, running. All I can do is run, run from their kissing, run from them. Run down the halls. But soon I can't even run, and I sit down at one of the many staircases at school, and just cry. Cry and cry and cry, sobbing uncontrollably.

         My make up is smeared I know, I look terrible, and I'm hot sweaty, and my eyes are filled with tears, and red. So red. But I don't care about how I look right now, not anymore. Maybe before I was going to the bathroom to make myself look perfect again, but now? Now I cry, not caring about anything, my mind all flashes of Josh and Kelly, their lips locked. The roaring in my ears stop, and I suddenly notice how loud it was, how silent it actually is in the halls.

        I look up, my tears stopped for the second, and I see a window with the bright, full moon, it's light streaming in. On me.

        And my tears aren't stopped only for that second; they stop completely. My eyes are now dry, the dryness that always happens around your eyes after a good, long, hard cry.

         I stare at the full moon, until a large dark cloud starts to cover it, and I keep staring until the moon is covered completely, it's light gone and the halls darker then ever. And one, final lone tear goes down my cheek. And the moon appears again. It seems important somehow. It dissappeared, now it's here again. My life darkened ever so slightly, but really, what difference well it make? My life will still go on, as happy as ever. All that is gone is my no good crush.

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