Chapter 22

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       I take in a breath when I see the gym. And not from being breathtaken by how wonderful it is! It's decorated all in orange and black, with paper mache pumpkins. I suppose it would be cool if we were 2nd graders, but not for us 7th graders! To the side is the refreshment table, complete with punch, pumpkin cookies, pretzels and popcorn. There's a few other things, but it's hard to tell what they are from the entrance. The music is playing super loud, and nobody is dancing. Everybody is off to the sides, standing in little groups, some holding a cup or plate filled with refreshments, but most just with their hands awkwardly to their sides.

       Reminds me of last years dances, when the people who did dance just jumped in place. Pathetic.

       Our little group walks forward, and Josh lets go of my hand, bowing awkwardly. "Would you like to dance?"

      "The first people to dance?" I ask incredously. I'm not sure I would like that, too embarrasing I think. But I don't mention that. Yet.

       "Yeah, why not?" He says, oblivious to my misgivings. "We might as well dance now, then people might start dancing with us."

       "Uh, I guess," I say, not agreeing at all. I don't want to disagree with him, what if he doesn't like me anymore then? I mean, it is ridiculous to think that, but hey, I'm nervous!

       I take his offered hand, and we make our way to the middle of the dance floor(aka gym), thanks to him pulling me along. I see a few interested people, along with Holly's posse glaring from afar. I blush for the millionth time this week, and we start to dance. I'm carefully moving through the steps, not wanting to stumble or step on him. He moves naturally, but stepping on my feet a few times. Boy, his foot hurts!

       Out of the corner of my eye, that is focused mainly on my feet, I see a few other people join in my current humiliation, dancing at the edges, gradually making their way to the middle.

       But soon I forget them, ad allow myself the pleasure of staring into Joshes eyes. He's smiling down at me, and we glide around the middle like we were one, the feet stepping done. The music continues, but I barely register it, all I can think about is Joshes face near mine, our eyes interlocked.

       He's so adorable, and it feels so right. I sigh because of happiness, beneath my breath, and he presses a little closer to me. I stare in his eyes more, feeling the happiest I've been for a while. And, in the perfect moment, right in the center of the gym, his face leans down, his lips coming towards mine. And he kisses me, softly, and, in my opinion, perfectly.

       I kiss him back, matching the softness. We are like that for a second probably, but it felt like much longer. We pull away, and smile at eachother. This is the perfect night!

       He leans down, and breathes in my ear, so quietly even I barely hear. "Your really amazing Christine. And you look beautiful."

       I smile back in what I hope is a pretty way, and tell him thanks. He's so, so sweet!

       He leans down again, tenderly kissing me, and I just about swoon. But then I see Holly at the corner of the room, her mouth open, watching us in dismay. Kelly isn't as startled, but is glaring at us, and I would be just about dead by now, if in fact looks could kill.

       But I don't care. I have Josh, oh amazing Josh, and their jealousy doesn't matter.

       But the song ends unfortunately, and we exit the wonderful gym floor, which is way more awesome then it was yesterday, thanks to the kiss that took place on the hard, waxed floor.

       We reach Selena and Aidan, and Selena smiles at me, having seen the (perfect) kiss. She and Aidan are all goo goo and what not, fetching things for eachother and whatever else. It's pretty ridiculous, but cute. I grin back at her, and Lisa joins us.

       "Hey guys, this is so awesome!" She squeals, pulling Will next to her.

       "Yeah it is," I agree, and Josh nods too, and my heart does a back flip in my chest.

       The next song comes on, and we dance more, and kiss more. I'm like jello in his hands, seriously. I swear, like half the girls are staring at us, jealousy and longing in thier eyes.

      After what seems like a second the song ends, and we stop dancing. "This is fun," Josh smiles.

      "Mm-hmm," I agree, and smile back. No duh it's fun, I just got kissed by my crush while dancing with him!

        "Well, I guess I'm gonna go and talk to some of my friends now. Are you all right with that? Maybe we'll meet up in like 10 minutes, ok?"

         Darn. I was hoping to spend the whole dance with him. But at least it's only 10 minutes, right? But still, it is bad. "Yeah, ok. Here in 10 minutes," I tell him. "At this water fountain. I might as well go off to, and talk to my friends."

       "K, I knew you wouldn't mind!" Josh calls out, already rushing away towards a group of jocks. I do mind, but hey, I made him happy right? And that counts for something. Whatever, might as well go do what I said I would, and talk to people. I scan the gym with its colorful lights flashing all over the place, and spot Jenny with Jacob. I walk towards them, weaving in between all the dancers who are not really dancing at all.

       "Hey Christine," Jenny says, grinning from ear to ear. Probably because of her hand which is occupied with holding on to Jacob's large hand.

       I give a half wave. "How's it going?"

        "It's going great," Jacob answers for her, looking down at petite little Jenny. Compared to Jacob, Jenny is like a mouse, Jacob is so big and she has such a small, tiny frame. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, they make a really cute couple.

         "That's good," I say. I'm not quite sure what to say next, that's not to boring. Luckily, they brng up the next topic. Or perhaps not so luckily.

        Jacob grins mischievously. "So I saw you and Josh kiss on the dance floor a few times." He trails off, and it feels like a question.

        "Uh yeah," I say, slightly embarrassed, trying to keep my complete utter joy out of my voice. "Yeah, we kissed a few times."

       "You two sure did!" Jacob says, and Jenny frantically nods her agreement. "So did you like it? I'm sure you did, didn't you," he teases, and I feel my face get hot.


       "I'll take that as a yes! Ha, I knew it! Well, anyways, me and Jenny are gonna go break some moves on the dance floor, so we'll be going. Enjoy the rest of the dance!" He winks, and pulls Jenny away. Right before I turn from them, I see Jacob "break some moves", which makes him fall on his face of course. He gets up and waves it away good naturedly from the laughing people around him, and he grins sheepishly. I head off to go to the bathroom, to go fix my face some before I meet Josh at the water fountain.

       I go into the hall, the loud music and whatnot from the gym fading behind me. I make my way in the silent halls, my footsteps echoing behind me, the only sound to be heard. It's almost creepy. I pause and barely hear some music from the gym, and the distinct sounds of... kissing?

        I go on. Hopefully I'm just imagining things. I turn into the hallway with the bathroom and see two figures together, and they're kissing, their lips together, and I stop short. I recognize them.

        It's Kelly and Josh.

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