Chapter 6

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       Josh glances scathingly at the brunette. "Holly Lemonts. Be more careful next time!"

       So tha'ts her name. Holly Lemonts. I must say, her last name fits her perfectly. She seems like a sour, mean person, who thinks shes the queen of everything.

       In fact, I know she is.

       "Oh that's perfectly okay, Holly. Could you go grab some napkins and wipe off the mess you made on the floor and table? I'll just go clean myself off, and since your so sorry, you might as well clean everything up by yourself, right?" I give her an equally fake, evil smile, daring her to not agree in front of her precious Josh.

       She doesn't.

       "Yeah, considering I'm such a good person and all, I think I will." Holly emphasizes the good part, and sends off her two followers to fetch napkins. She herself sits in the spot I was just leaving, nearly pushing me forward in the process.

       "So, Josh, are you excited for football? I'll definitely cheer for you, your so good at the game!" Of course, Holly is a cheerleader. I kind of figured earlier, but this just gives me further confirmation.

       Josh looks uncomfortable, but pleased at the same time. "Thanks. So are you going to be head cheerleader?"

       "Yeah, of course, I'm the best." Holly turns to me, changing her breathless, flirty voice to her usual snarky one. "Of course you won't be doing cheer-leading, you don't seem cut for it. Tall girls do always seem to be so clumsy."

       I roll my eyes, letting her see them. "Says the girl who just dumped her lunch on me."

       "Oh, that's not my fault, it was just that your big head was in the way."

       "Uh huh, sure. Anyways I was thinking of doing cheer-leading, and I think I will. The cheer team needs some good examples for the school, don't they?" I wasn't planning on being a cheerleader, but she provoked me. Oh, well, cheer-leading can't be that bad, can it? Just a group of Holly followers 2 hours a day, 4 days a week. No, not bad all, being the target of these girls even more.

       Mark the sarcasm please. Maybe Selena or Kelly will do it with me? No, I can't put them through the terrible ordeal too. Guess I'll do it alone then.

       "Are you saying that I'm a bad example? Because I am so not a bad example. So just go... clean the food out of your oily hair. You don't need it anyways, your certainly fat enough."

       "Yeah, okay I think I'll go do just that." I wave away her attempts at insulting me, as if they were nothing. Because they are nothing. "Anyways, anybody care to join me?"

       Kelly and Selena jump up, glad to do something other then silently watching Holly and I's exchange. Plus, its go with me or watch Holly practically sits in Joshes lap. And Josh just doesn't seem to be pushing her away.

       Why Josh, why? Why do guys always like the girls like that?


       By the time I'm done cleaning myself, lunch is over, and its time for English. I say my quick goodbyes to Kelly and Selena, and rush off to class. Ms. Florence is at the head of the room, greeting everybody, telling them to sit in their assigned seat and not talk.

       Finding my seat fairly quickly, I chat with a few of my elementary friends, catching up with them. When chatting with Olive, a black haired girl, with dark, dark eyes, I spot Holly coming in from the corner of my eye.

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