Chapter 27

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YOURE ALL GONNA HATE ME IF YOURE ACTUALLY READING THIS. Cuz honestly I hate this story so I didn;t want to write it anyways and havent written it in a million years so i finally just decided to end it all in one chapter... ugh sorry :( I feel really bad about that, maybe sometime I'll go back and actually end it but right now I just really hate this book and the writing sucks, so no motivation at all to write it. Sorry about that :( :( :(



       New York literally went by in a flash. No, just kidding. Not literally; the world didn't blow up or anything like that. But close enough. My world blew up.

       No. My mom did not die in a freak car accident, nothing of the sort. Instead, Holly and I became... not enemies. I wouldn't say that we are friends yet, but my thoughts on our first day there seems to be quite right. I think Holly and I actually might become friends. I think the pigs are flying already...

        Anyways, we modeled my mom's clothing without too much trouble, since people just thought we were adorable and didn't expect us to be like professional models anyways. Besides, they were too focused on my moms clothing which made headlines in New York fashion- she hit it big again, and her new line is even more successful than her last.

         The real new though is mine and Holly's new found... acquaitancement. While experiencing the wonders of New York together and the pains of sharing a room, I suppose we bonded kind of. On our second night there, we had quite the heart to heart talk in which we each admited a secret. She said that she was actually somewhat jealous of me since my mother seemed so perfect compared to her family that always put a lot of pressure on her to be perfect. They hated it when she was ugly, so she dyed her hair and put on a ton of make-up to try to hide her "ugliness".

       I told her she didn't look that bad.

       My secret wasn't actually that much of a secret. I just told her that I didn't like her because I thought she was a stuck-up snob, mean, and a stealer of my crush. Who I didn't actually have a crush on anymore. But as you know, I used to.

       Josh was an idiot anyways obviously, as was Kelly.

       Either way, because of this, she apoligized sincerely and a lot, and I decided to forgive her just because I felt like it. I didn't want the whole trip to suck. Turns out I truly forgave her though because for the rest of the trip there was no hard feelings. In fact, on the plane ride back we made a plan to get back at Josh.

       I can't wait. It's going to take place today. The plan isn't so much to get back at Josh as it is to get back at Kelly.

       I walked into the lunchroom with a smirk on my face, and Holly by my side. Neither of us were wearing make-up, but we both looked pretty hot if I do say so. Holly had dyed her hair back to a brown, but a very pretty one. She looked a lot better as a brunette truthfully.

       I felt a few people turn to look at us. I guess because our rivalry was well-known or whatever, more eyes turned to us. Including Kelly's and she quickly nudged Josh. Yes, they were sitting next to eachother. How adorable. I wave at her, a sarcastic smile plastered on my face, and she glares at me. Holly makes her way to them, as do I.

       "Hey," I say wedging my way in between them. Ew, ew,ew germs. I shudder.

       "Hey bitch." Kelly replies. I raise my eyebrow.

       "Is that really the way to greet me?" I question, and she examines my face.

       "You may want to rethink how you treat her," Holly adds, a threat underlying her tone.

       Kelly laughs. "So what if I do?"

       I sigh. "That's a shame. It really is too bad that you chose the wrong choice, but you know. We'll be leaving now." I turn to the people sitting around her. "Also, I recommend leaving her now. I know you guys don't like her, and she is about to become really, really unpopular."

        They look at me. Some make a move to get up. Kelly glares at them. I pause before walking away. I look back once, only once, to see that everyone abandoned her table except for Josh. Good. My plan, a very simple one, was working.

       I go back to my table, what is now the popular table. It was really easy to get us to be the most popular, especially since we were both quite hot and nicer than Kelly now. Me and Holly sat down, smack in the middle of the table.

       Holly turns back. "Oh yeah Josh, could you come here and talk to me for a second?"

       Josh, who is staring at her and me gets up, leaving Kelly alone. "What is it?" He asks, his eyes straying down a bit.

       I glare at him, and his gaze immediately goes back to her face.

       "I was just wondering... how is it going with Kelly?"

       "Uh. Actually. She's kind of a bitch. But she does anything I want."

        "Please tell me you don't mean sex."

       "Oh god know we're only like 13. Plus, I would never want to have sex with her. Kelly's gross and ugly."

       At this point I had brought up the microphone Selena had kept hidden up to his face, just in time to catch "Kellys gross and ugly".

       Josh jumps back. "Oh shit, he says, as he sees Kelly run out of the cafeteria. But he doesn't go after her.

       "That's all I wanted to ask, you can go now Josh." Holly says smiling tightly at him. "You're a jerk."

       He turns to me. "I know you still like me Christine, aren't you going to a protect your precious guy?"

       "Scratch that. He's a naive jerk who can't even defend himself." I quickly punch him in his... area. "Or his own precious guy. Now leave Josh. Now."

        He's on the floor, his face red. He quickly gets away. I don't think hes going to be all high and mighty for a while.

       "Well, mission acomplished."

       Holly nods. "Definitely."

       "Do you feel the least bit mean at all?" I ask.

       "Compared to what I used to do or say? Nah, we're angels. Doing everyone a favor anyways."

       I think about it. "Thats true. So I was wondering. Are we friends or no?"

       "Are you kidding?" Holly looks at me incredously.

       "No. Are we?"

       "Of course we are. Besides, you're probably lead the most interesting life of any teenager I know."

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