Chapter 21

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       Yay! He asked it, finally, yay! "Yeah, sure Josh," I answer as nonchalantly as possible, like I haven't been freaking out about this for the last week or so.

       A smile breaks out on Joshes face, illuminating Joshes features, making them all feel happier and brighter somehow. My smile probably mirrors his, I can feel it stretching impossibly wide across my face. As soon as I realise this though I quickly wipe it off my face, not wanting to look like a dork.

       "Ok, thanks Christine."

       Yeah right, as if I was doing the favor. I should thank him! "Your welcome Josh. I was starting to think I wouldn't have a date for the dance!"

        "Haven't people asked you?"

       "Um yeah I guess."

        "So you could've easily had a date. Why'd you choose me?" Josh asks, and I feel my face redden.

       "Because uh..."

       "Whatever, it doesn't matter," Josh says, saving me from having to answer the question. "Anyways, I'm glad you chose me."

       "And I'm glad you asked me," I reply, and I feel my face redden even more.

       He doesn't seem to notice my embarrassment though.

       "Yeah, I'm glad I asked too."

        By now most everyone is finished with their lunch besides me, because I was too worried about not going to the dance with Josh earlier to eat much. They all leave, leaving me and Josh alone. "Do you still think I'm a player?" Josh asks suddenly, a few minutes after they leave.

       "No," I answer, and a weight inside of me is lifted that I didn't even know I was carrying. I was glad that Josh finally knew I didn't think that of him anymore. "I stopped thinking that a long time ago."

       He smiles, looking relieved. "That's good. I was worried you still did."

      "Well, you don't have to worry anymore. I wanted to tell you, but it never came up. That, and I was too embarrassed to bring it up," I explain, and once again redden. There's just something about Josh that makes him have this effect on me! Maybe it's a sign that's he's the one, or something? Yeah, maybe. Whatever, I'm just glad to be talking with him right now.

       "Yeah, I guess not. Um, I was uh wondering something," Josh says, blushing. "Um, so you said that day we fought that you liked me right? Well, uh... do you still like me?" He blushes more, becoming the bright red that I see only on my pom-poms.

      That, and on tomatoes.

      "Uh, yeah I guess," I reply, becoming the same color his face is currently sporting.

        He grins. "Ok, I like you too," he tells me, his voice enthusiastic. "So that's good."

       I smile at him. He still liked me! Oh my gosh, yay! "Yeah I guess it is," I say, trying to stop most of my happiness from going through. I'm not sure why though. Why not just let it all out? I guess I should follow my instincts. Maybe.

       The bell rings, ending our little joyful confessions. In one way, I'm sad that they had to be put to a halt for now, but in the other way, I'm glad. We were running out of things to say. And I didn't want to face that, it means that we aren't able to talk to each-other, and that is bad in a relationship. I mean, it's not like were dating. But it could mean were not right for each other.

        Argh! Stupid insecurities, stupid little wonderings.


       "Ok, how about this?" Selena asks, holding up a silver dress from the pile on the floor. I look at it critically.

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