Chapter 22

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Amelia made sure that Evie was accepted back into the manor. Everyone had been wary about it but they eventually gave in.

Alec was leaning against a wall, near the door, when Magnus walked over.
"Alexander." He looked concerned. "What's wrong?"
Alec's eyes started to tear up. "I miss Max." He whispered.
Magnus looked at him with sympathy and hugged him. "I know this can't be easy Alexander. But I'm here for you." He smiled and held Alec's chin.
Alec smiled and leaned forward, kissing Magnus lightly. "Thank you." He whispered.
"It's ok." Magnus replied before kissing him again.

Amelia walked in to see Magnus and Alec kissing against a wall.
"Woah shit sorry! I'll be outside!" She rambled and walked outside, shutting the door.
Magnus and Alec had stopped kissing and were looking at where Amelia had just stood. She soon came through the door again.
"Actually you two are probably going to be like 2 hours and it's freezing outside so I'm going upstairs." Amelia announced as she ran towards the stairs. She turned to look at them and said, "Proceed." Before running up a few more stairs and stopping again. "By the way, I would move it up to a bedroom if I were you, Maryse and Robert might walk in and well, that might be awkward." She said and ran up the stairs. "HAVE FUN!" She shouted as she reached the top step. She walked towards Evie's room and walked in.
"Hey." Evie smiled.
"Hey." Amelia smiled back.
"Do you know what this reminds me of?" Evie laughed.
"What?" Amelia asked.
"The first time I moved into the institute. You were the only one who trusted me. Well, apart from Jace." Evie looked down. "Now it's just you who trusts me. Jace doesn't even trust me anymore." She looked up at Amelia. "Why do you trust me?"
Amelia walked forwards and sat on the edge of Evie's bed. "Because when you saw Max's body, you changed. I saw how distraught you were. And when you went outside and came back in, I saw you didn't have Sebastian's bracelet on anymore. I looked into your eyes and I didn't see darkness anymore; I saw regret, and guilt, and I saw that you were hurting." Amelia looked at her. "You broke up with Sebastian didn't you?"
"Yeah I did." Evie said. "I would have killed him but then I would have lost two people I love in one day and I wouldn't be able to handle that."
Amelia smiled at her. "It's ok. I wouldn't have expected you to be able to kill him." And then Amelia's eyes started to tear up.
Evie looked at her with sympathy. "I only knew Max for two years and it's hard for me to handle his death. I can't imagine what it's like for you."
"I'm trying to be strong." Amelia said. "Just like we all are. We're all trying not to show our emotions, but sometimes emotions take over."
"I bet everyone blames me for Max's death." Evie looked down. Amelia was about to argue and say that nobody blamed her when she heard Clary from the door.
"Nobody blames you." Clary walked in. "They're just a little worried that you're still in league with Valentine and Sebastian."
"I guess you're still worried." Evie replied.
"Not at all." Clary said. "Look Evie, you're my parabatai. I kind of trust you with my life. Like literally." Clary smiled. "If you die a part of me dies so I literally trust you with my life."
Evie smiled. "Thanks Clary."
"It's ok." Clary smiled. "And I wouldn't worry about Jace. It's all just a lot to take in for him. He lost his childhood friend then his little brother got killed and then his childhood friend came back." Clary said. "He just needs time."
"I know." Evie smiled. "I just wish I had the guts to kill Sebastian myself."
Clary looked at Evie and then at Amelia, as if deciding something. "Ok I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone."
"Ok." Amelia and Evie replied in unison.
"I had a dream the other night that Sebastian wasn't evil. And he had green eyes and he was kind." Clary smiled as if it was a real memory. "Evie I'm kind of glad you didn't kill Sebastian. I want him to be the brother he deserves to be. I mean he doesn't deserve anything but then again, none of this is his fault. It's Valentine. Valentine was the one who made Sebastian have demon blood in him. Valentine was the one who brought him up to be how he is." Clary said. "Look, I know I might never get the brother I saw in my dream but there's still hope. I mean I didn't even know this world existed and now I'm a part of it. It's a miracle. So can't there be a miracle where Sebastian is how he is in my dream?"
"Plus the fact you still love him Evie. Nobody expects you to kill him." Amelia said.
Evie smiled. "Thanks." She said. "That made me feel better."
"Hey." Jace said as he walked into the room.
"Um hi?" Evie said, a little bit surprised.
Jace was quiet for a while before walking over. "For the past few days, I've been deciding whether to come and talk to you or not. Evie, you're my childhood friend and when I lost you, I blamed myself. And then Max died and I blamed Sebastian. I also couldn't help thinking that you were with Sebastian and I was worried you were in danger. What I'm trying to say is that even when you were in league with Sebastian and Valentine, I didn't blame you for anything. I was always just worried that you were in danger. It's taken time but I trust you."
Evie smiled. "So it's just Izzy, Alec, Simon, Magnus and Raphael who don't trust me now."
"Oh Raphael trusts you." Amelia said. "He's just out getting blood right now."
"Yeah Simon trusts you too." Clary said.
"Ok so it's just Izzy, Alec and Magnus." Evie said.
"Well Alec doesn't trust anyone." Jace laughed. "Magnus is probably just agreeing with Alec because he wants to get in his pants ..."
Amelia spit out some water that she was drinking.
"And I'm not too sure about Izzy." Jace carried on.
"Woah ok Magnus and Alec are making out against a wall." Izzy burst into the room.
"Wait seriously? I told them to take it to a room." Amelia sighed.
      "Oh hey, what's everyone doing in here?" Izzy asked.
"We could ask you the same thing." Jace said.
"Well I just wanted to welcome Evie back into the manor." Izzy smiled. "And our family."
Evie went wide-eyed. "Wait so you don't hate me?"
"What?" Izzy questioned. "No! Of course not!" She smiled and Evie smiled in reply.


Total Word Count: 1196

Sorry this chapter was a little bit boring it was more of a filling in chapter but I'll update either tonight or tomorrow with a better chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Tell me what you think!

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