Chapter 11

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A/N: IMPORTANT! In this fanfic, Jace and Clary aren't going to be brother and sister because that breaks too many Clace hearts


      Alec, Evie, Izzy and Amelia were in the training room whilst Clary and Luke were searching for Simon.
"Hey." Jace said as he walked into the training room. "I just spoke to Robert and Maryse, they're being sent back to Idris."
"What?" Evie asked.
"Yeah." Jace said.
"Another order from Lydia?" Izzy asked Alec, with annoyance.
"Who's Lydia?" Jace asked.
"She's in charge of the institute." Amelia answered.
"She's what?" Jace asked, shocked.
"Temporarily." Alec defended.
"And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job." Izzy said.
"Maybe they aren't." Alec said and they all looked at him in shock. "Mom and Dad were members of the Circle."
"What?" Amelia half-shouted in shock.
"They don't have circle runes." Evie argued.
"That's because they made a deal with the clave prior the uprising." Alec explained. "In exchange for the cooperation, they were pardoned."
"You're questioning their loyalty." Izzy scowled.
"Valentine is back." Alec said. "The circle is rising. They're under suspicion."
"No way." Jace said. "Robert and Maryse took me in."
"Me too." Amelia said. "They raised us as their own. We know what kind of people they are."
"Are you sure?" Alec questioned. "They lied to us. For years they've been telling us how to act. We've upheld the Lightwood name while they're the ones who tarnished it. They're hypocrites."
"You must be Jace Wayland." Lydia walked in and stood beside Alec. "Lydia Branwell. You're quite the legend back in Idris." She held her hand out for Jace to shake.
Jace looked at the others and Lydia dropped her arm. "Don't believe everything you hear." Jace said.
"Did you tell them?" Lydia asked Alec.
"Tell us what?" Isabelle asked.
"Lydia and I are engaged." Alec said and they all looked at him.
"You're getting married?" Evie questioned.
"Alec, what?" Amelia asked.
"You're not serious." Jace said.
"You were supposed to tell them no." Izzy said to Alec, referring to Maryse and Robert finding him a wife. "It's your life to ruin." Izzy walked away and Amelia and Evie followed behind her.
"I'm not sure what to say." Jace said.
"How about, none of this matters." Alec replied. "We have to stop Valentine."
"Finally. Something we agree on." Jace said before walking away too.

Lydia found out that they were hiding the cup in the institute and started to search for it. Alec was starting to side with Lydia now and was going to give her the cup so Jace, Izzy, Amelia and Evie decided to ask Magnus for a favour. Magnus had been putting protection spells around the institute so he was already at the institute anyway.
"Let me get this straight." Magnus said. "You need Alec's stele to open the safe and you want me to steal it from him."
"We prefer the word 'borrow'." Evie said.
"Without his knowledge." Amelia said.
"No. No can do. Not happening." Magnus started to walk away but Jace grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
"Magnus. Ever since Alec found out our parents were in the circle, he's been messed up. He can't see the big picture." Jace said.
"What do you think will happen when the clave get the cup?" Izzy asked Magnus. "This affects everyone."
"Help us get into that safe." Jace said. "Help us stop this."
Magnus thought for a while before answering, "You're all going to owe me. I'm talking 14th century. Gold. Rubies. Definitely diamonds. And Alec can never know."
"That's a given." Jace replied.
"If we're going to do this, there's no turning back." Magnus said.

Magnus snuck up to a wall outside Alec's room and used his magic to make a hole that only he could see through. Alec's stele was in his jacket pocket, which was hung over a chair. Alec was in his room but wasn't paying attention to his stele so Magnus clicked his fingers and the stele disappeared. When it appeared in front of Jace, Jace didn't hesitate to grab it and run the stele along the rune on the same tile in the floor where Alec had put the cup. The tile rose up and the card, with the cup inside, was still on the small shelf. Jace grabbed it and shoved it in his pocket before running Alec's stele over the rune and the tile went back to being a normal tile again. Jace placed the stele on the floor and texted Magnus. Magnus received the text and clicked his fingers once again, making the stele re-appear in Alec's jacket pocket, just in time for Alec to grab his jacket and walk out of his room. Magnus quickly closed up the hole and put his phone away.
"All done for the day." He said, pretending to have finished a protection spell. Alec looked at him and walked towards him. "Place is secure. Not bad for a days work." Magnus carried on as they walked together. "I thought I'd see how you were doing."
Alec stopped walking so Magnus did too. Alec faced Magnus before telling him, "I meant to thank you for your advice. The whole 'follow your heart' thing."
"Oh what can I say? I have a deep understanding of the human psyche. At least that's what Freud always said." Magnus smiled.
"I'm getting married." Alec told him with a saddened look.
"Whoah! That's a tad sudden, isn't it? I mean, we should at least go to dinner first - "
"No, Magnus, family is everything to me. You have to know that."
"I get it." Magnus said. "You're part of a 'don't ask, don't tell' culture. I'm fine with it. You're a traditional guy."
"Yeah, I am." Alec replied. "That's why I proposed to Lydia."
Magnus' face dropped and he looked at Alec with sad and confused eyes. "That's ... interesting."
"It makes sense." Alec said. "It's a solid partnership for both of us."
Magnus kept his head down but looked up to talk to Alec. "Solid partnership." He laughed coldly. "That's hot." Magnus said, sarcastically. "Well ok then. Congratulations. Marriage is a wonderful institution. Not that I would know." Magnus trailed off. "Goodbye Alexander." He said and walked away. Alec looked after him, feeling guilty and upset.

Clary had found Simon at his house. Simon was hugging his mom but he needed to feed and was close to biting his mom. Luckily, Clary got there just in time and convinced Simon to go with her. Simon decided to stay at the Hotel DuMort to work on and learn about being a vampire with Raphael. Clary didn't want to leave him but Simon was ok with it.

      Alec found Lydia in the training room.
      "I may have something the Clave wants." Alec said. "I can give them the Mortal Cup."
      "Alec you have it?" Lydia asked with surprise. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
      "I promised Jace and there's this thing with Clary." Alec replied.
      "I get it. He's your parabatai." Lydia said. "Where is it?"
      Alec walked over to the tile in the floor where the safe was and ran his stele over the rune. Lydia stood next to him as the tile rose up. When Alec reached out to get the card, he realised it wasn't there and Lydia looked at him with wide eyes.
      "Jace." Alec's voice was angry and he walked away in annoyance.
      Alec found Izzy, Amelia and Evie talking and walked over to them.
      "Jace stole the cup." He said and Izzy, Amelia and Evie all looked at each other. Alec looked at them for a while before realising. "Wait did you know about this? My god did you help him?"
      "Jace is doing what he thinks is right." Izzy argued.
      "What's right?" Alec's voice rose. "He put the whole Shadow world in danger."
      "If the cup is with Jace then it's in good hands." Evie said.
      "Valentine is out there. Valentine could attack Jace - "
      "Jace can handle himself." Amelia interrupted Alec.
      "I'm going to find Jace." Alec said. "And I'm going to get the cup." He walked away.

They found Jocelyn. Clary gave Lydia the cup and Hodge took Lydia to lock it up until she went back to Idris. Alec and Jace weren't arguing anymore and were fine with each other. (Ok so I know that in the TV show, Jace and Alec didn't make up until Alec's bachelor party but they make up by mainly talking about how Jace and Clary are brother and sister but as I said, I'm not making them brother and sister so Jace and Alec are fine now!)


Total Word Count: 1497

This is a really short chapter I'm sorry! I feel like this was a really shit chapter but I promise that you will love the next chapter!

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